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Tuesday, 19 December 2006

Music From The Andes

Buskers are an everyday feature of city life these days, and quite a number have featured in many daily photo sites over the past year. Well here's my contribution in the shape of these colourful characters playing the panpipes etc. This sort of music was very popular a few years ago after a tv series was shown about the condor.


  1. I continue to enjoy pan flutes and still have my recording by Zamfir. And, you're right--they're all over the world now. Initially I seem to recall that many of the travelling musicians were South Americans, but I was startled to note in this picture that this group is obviously North American Indians--at least their garb appears to be.

  2. Anonymous11:42 am

    i like panpipes too~~and their costume are interesting...i enjoy your shot!!

  3. Anonymous8:05 pm



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