A photo a day from the famous East Midlands city, its surroundings, and wherever the photographic journey takes me.
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Saturday, 28 February 2015
A Touch Of Pink
Besides crocuses appearing in the garden, our camellia bush has sprouted into colour too, with lots of lovely pink flowers.
Friday, 27 February 2015
Poking Through
The first signs of spring have started to appear in our garden.
I spotted this crocus slowly making its way up through the soil and into the sunshine. Which gladly we had some today, as Mr Blue Sky has been missing all week, which makes everywhere so grey. So it was nice to see a bit of colour today.
Thursday, 26 February 2015
Down On The Farm
My birthday & wedding anniversary today, and for a pressie Gail got me this model tin tractor.
It's quite big and the wheels go round, but I don't think I'll be taking it down to a muddy field.
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
Let Sleeping Cats Sleep
Here's Oscar, the youngest of our two cats, being four. Marmalade will be ten in May.
Of course being a cat, Oscar likes two things in his easy life, namely eating and sleeping. So here he is sleeping, probably after one of his many visits to his bowls of food.
Tuesday, 24 February 2015
Special Guest Appearance
Had an interesting bit of action on Twitter yesterday. I took a photo of the Wheel in the Old Market Square with my iPhone and Tweeted it. One of the producers at Notts TV contacted me and asked if they could use it as part of their news programme.
Of course I said yes, as long as they credited me. No problem they said. So as you can see, my name's proudly displayed for the world, well Nottingham for all to see.
Monday, 23 February 2015
They've started taking down the Nottingham Wheel in the Old Market Square. It might take them a couple of days, as it's so big.
I passed by at lunchtime and they had taken down all the cabins and removed some of the arms of the wheel.
I am no good with heights, so I could never be able to climb up like this workman is doing. Balancing, while undoing the big metal parts of the Wheel.
Apparently there was a big metallic crash this afternoon, as one chunk of metal hit another. No one was hurt, but it made the news.
Sunday, 22 February 2015
Glow In The Dark
We went to a gig last night at a bar in the city centre to see a band we are friends with called The Disco Prophets. We often take photos and videos of them performing at their various gigs around Nottingham.
Of course we took some last night and sifting through them today, I came across this one that looked quite unusual to me, as the woman dancing appears to be glowing, or being zapped by a ray gun.
I promise that I've not fiddled with this photo at all in my digital darkroom, except for a bit of tweaking with the the contrast and sharpening. The strange effect was caused by the bar's disco lights, as they are LED ones, and sometimes cause colour problems with the electronics in my Olympus camera. Sometimes it's annoying, but on occasions it works out for the best.
Saturday, 21 February 2015
Gong Hey Fat Choy
It's the Year of the Goat this year in the Chinese calendar and their New Year celebrations took place today in Beeston, on a smaller scale than usual due to the budget cuts in community events.
They of course had the dragon dance, some demonstrations of martial arts and how to write your name in Chinese. I didn't do this, as having a pretty long name, I would be there all afternoon!
I bumped into a couple of friends of mine, one being a filmmaker and puppeteer, who was putting on a show in about ten minutes time. I had not seen his show before, so I went off to find a seat. I was quite surprised that there were more adults wanting to see the show than children.
The story revolved around a girl, her father, a teacher and a yak. The Professor (my friend Melvyn) did all the voices and actions. Quite amusing to hear one sentence in a man's voice and then another in a woman's. The audience appeared to thoroughly enjoy it.
Friday, 20 February 2015
Foaming Hell
No, this isn't snow, but foam bubbling around the water feature in the Old Market Square.
Someone must have sneaked in some shower gel or washing up liquid to get the effect. It used to happen quite a lot in the old days when there were two fountains near the Council House.
I used a fast shutter speed to freeze the action of the water droplets, so it looks a bit like snow.
Thursday, 19 February 2015
Colour Wheel
Another grey and wet day in Nottingham and not a lot happening. So I've had a play about in my digital darkroom and created this. Just to add a little colour to this photo of the Nottingham Wheel.
Wednesday, 18 February 2015
The Bonny Lads
Back in November a new record shop opened in the city centre. A branch of Rough Trade no less.
Besides selling albums, CDs and books they also have a snack bar and have recently been having live in-store gigs by up and coming bands.
I saw one such band today at lunchtime, who go by the name of The Little Comets, an indie rock group from the North East of England. I'd not heard of them before, even though they have been going since 2008.
They played for about half an hour to a receptive audience, who had packed the upstairs cafe area. They weren't bad considering it's not really my kind of music. They also have a bass player, who I sadly didn't manage to get in the shot, so here he is, in a portrait of his own.
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
The Blue Period
It was sunny today for the first time since last Sunday, so it made for a slightly lighter night as I cycled home from work.
As the sky was still blue, I stopped on the bridge that I cross the canal on and took a few photos of the canal, it's boats and the sun setting in the sky beyond.
Monday, 16 February 2015
The first time that I came across a synthesiser was at school in London in about 1975. It was during a music lesson, when our teacher switched on this strange looking black box with lots of flashing lights. He then played a simple tune and all sorts of weird noises came out. There was also a lot of plugs that he changed by unplugging them and putting them into other holes and some even stranger noises came out.
I was amazed about what it could do, and have been in love with such music ever since. The first musician that I got into was Jean Michel Jarre and his 1976 album Oxygene. Then came along Tangerine Dream, Mike Oldfield, Vangelis and Kraftwerk.
So I was excited to see this Moog Voyager synth at the studio in Mansfield yesterday. Sadly it wasn't used in the songs that were demoed by the Disco Prophets, although they do have a keyboard player in the band called Richard, who has a couple of keyboards himself, but neither of them are Moogs.
Sunday, 15 February 2015
Adventures In Modern Recording
The former library in Mansfield has been turned into an arts centre and recording studio. Our favourite band The Disco Prophets were there to record some demo songs for promotional purposes. We of course were there to record the event in photographic form.
I was hoping that it would be a big open studio like the Beatles recoded in, so I could get some nice shots of the band members doing their thing. Alas it was a fairly small room with subdued lighting. But I still managed to take some shots of the band in action, although I could only hear the drums, as the guitars & keyboards were plugged straight into the recording equipment. We also watched the sound engineer/producer twiddling all these knobs and using ProTools to work on the sound
Saturday, 14 February 2015
Today is of course Valentine's Day, where people show love for each other. Although this really should happen every day, and not just once a year.
Things were no different in the Frost household. Here's the card and friendly love dragon that I got for Gail. And of course there had to be a single red rose.
Friday, 13 February 2015
Playful Pooch
I poked my head into Cobden Chambers at lunchtime, just to see if anything was going on, when this little fellow came toddling towards me.
You have to agree he's a cute little fellow. Getting on a bit I think, by the greying of his fur round his face. Very friendly too. I gave him some patting, while he sniffed me. He could probably smell Oscar & Marmalade on me.
Thursday, 12 February 2015
A Sweet Way To Learn The Alphabet
Sugar letters, a bit more tasty than Alphabetti Spaghetti, and easier to spell with, as they are not covered in tomato sauce.
Just found them today in a local supermarket, and thought they would make for an interesting photo for today.
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
Saturday Night Isn't All Right For Fighting
I think the whole of Nottingham was shocked when it was announced on the news that there had been a murder in the city centre in the early hours of Sunday morning.
As the reports were updated, it emerged that there had been several arrests and the victim was only a teenager.
I went through the area today that had been cordoned off by the police during Sunday & Monday, while the investigation took place, and came across a lamppost that was covered in floral tributes for the murdered man.
It emerged that his name was Joshua Bradley, and he was only 19. A pleasant, happy lad by all accounts, and he was a keen boxer. He may even have followed Carl Froch into being a famous fighter, if he hadn't been in the wrong place at the wrong time.
There has been a couple of arrests and hopefully they will be charged soon. It beats me why anyone should do such a thing to someone who was just out to enjoy himself at the weekend.
Tuesday, 10 February 2015
Balls Up
Another quiet day in Nottingham, so here's a shot of the Beeston Bears' training match that I photographed on Sunday afternoon.
Now I bet you are wondering whether Number 59 caught the ball, even though he had his hands closed at that particular moment. Well the answer is yes, before he was chased by the guy in the orange tabbard.
Monday, 9 February 2015
City Lights
A shot from the Castle grounds of the Nottingham skyline, which I took during Friday's Light Night celebrations. There is of course the big ferris wheel situated in the Old Market Square on the left. The Victoria Centre flats in the middle and of course the dome of the Council House on the right.
Sunday, 8 February 2015
Bear Grills
I went down to a local recreation ground today to take photos and do some interviewing of a local American Flag Fottball team called the Beeston Bears, for a local magazine that I am involved in called the Beestonian.
For a winter's day it was very sunny, so it made taking the photos more interesting and the light gave the pictures some life, as you can see.
The visit made me remember when I was at school, as we went there for our PE lessons.
The Beestonian is available on line, and here is the LINK, so you will be able to read my article when the next issue is published.
Saturday, 7 February 2015
High Tea
Walking around the city centre last night, I came across this rather amusing scene, which was part of a
big front window display for a clothing store.
It does make good use of some old and odd cups and saucers, including the well known Willow Pattern design.
Friday, 6 February 2015
Wheel Of Light
The city centre came alive tonight when the annual Light Night festival took place across various areas of the city, much to the delight of the thousands of people that I saw walking around the Lace Market, Hockley and the castle.
Of course the highlight for many was seeing the Nottingham Wheel lit up and people seeing the skyline in the night sky.
Thursday, 5 February 2015
Heart Of Glass
I wonder how long it to to stick all those little bits of glass on this figure of a woman?
She presently sits in the window of a hairdressers on Castle Boulevard.
I wonder how many extra customers she's helped the shop to get?
Wednesday, 4 February 2015
Armed And Dangerous
Don't worry, there wasn't a terrorist attack in the city centre today, it was just the Army on a recruitment exercise. Although not many people seemed to be stopping to enlist.
Either that, or the soldiers are planning a raid on the chocolate shop, to get some luxury Valentine goodies for their wives and girlfriends.
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
Round And Round
The 60 metre tall ferris wheel has made a welcome return after being absent for four years.
Unofficially called the 'Nottingham Eye', but due to copyright reasons, it's been named 'the Wheel of Nottingham'.
It's here for about a month. But will be very popular on Friday, when it's Light Night across the city.
Monday, 2 February 2015
Seat Of Learning
Here's a night time shot of the University's Trent Building, which I took tonight from Highfields Park.
Sunday, 1 February 2015
What I Would Miss..
The first of February and so I thought it would be an ideal opportunity to make a return to publishing my daily blog from Nottingham, as I've taken a break from it for a while.
It's also the theme day and this month's theme is "What would I miss if I left Nottingham?" Well for me it would be the music scene. I've seen some really great bands and musicians over the past few years, such as The Disco Prophets, One Girl, One Boy, Emma Blaydon-Jones and The Madeline Rust, amongst many others.
My photo shows Lucy, the singer and bassist from The Madeline Rust, who I saw for the first time in concert back in August, at their debut album launch at a city centre club.
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