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Friday 12 January 2007

Thrills and Spills

Whilst going out at lunch time yesterday, I noticed a traffic jam and lots of flashing lights at the top of Maid Marion Way. So naturally I got my camera out and went to investigate. I found several police cars and fire engines, plus a few other vehicles and the police directing the traffic. Looking at the action, I've deduced that the white lorry's petrol tank had leaked and diesel had spilled out onto the road.

Anyway, I think it makes a good scene, with all the rescue people in action.


  1. Anonymous8:53 pm

    Great shot. It stood out on the Portal. And I like the title, too.

  2. Anonymous9:02 am

    Hey gail's man on the spot!

    There was a Syd train on my blog July 9 - you commented. It is a Millenium train; the Tangaras are now superceded, but they still are about so I'll try to catch one. Cos my line is a stand-alone (doesn't habve to intersect with others, they tend to have the same trains on them, and we get many of the newer ones.


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