A photo a day from the famous East Midlands city, its surroundings, and wherever the photographic journey takes me.
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Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Twas A Dark And Stormy Night
Well we've had another day of gale force winds and lashing rain. So much for turning the clocks forward on Sunday.
I was out tonight, meeting up with with some Twitter buddies. Of course it was raining on the way back to the car park, so I stopped and took a few photos of the traffic passing by the Broad Marsh, using the black & white filter on my camera.
Monday, 30 March 2015
Glamour Puss
Thankfully Princess Leia put down her Lightsaber and struck an art nude pose for me. Another present for the blog's ninth birthday.
Sunday, 29 March 2015
May The Force Be With You
I had a photo shoot with Princess Leia today, as part of Nottingham Daily Photo's 9th Birthday celebrations.
I was worried that she might zap me with her lightsaber if I didn't take a good photo of her. Fortunately she was happy with the results and wished me well with my blog's birthday.
Saturday, 28 March 2015
Reflections Of The Past
The past reflected in the modern with the old Guildhall reflected in the glass tower that is the E-on building.
The former court and offices was closed some years ago, but there are plans to turn it into a luxury hotel. But I've heard mother about the scheme yet, or which chain is going to own it.
Friday, 27 March 2015
Spirited Away
There was an unusual, and exciting event that took place in Beeston tonight, a world premiere film show based on close up photographs of the 'Ghost Bus'; the old dilapidated Bartons bus that was found rotting in a Suffolk field.
The bus made its first appearance at Bartons in October 2012, and of course I popped along to see and write about it for this blog. Last October a well known Italian writer and visual artist called Roberto Alborghetti saw the bus for the first time and was amazed at the state of the vehicle. He then spent a couple of hours taking 500 close up photos of the rust, peeled paint and general distress on the buses bodywork and has turned 130 of them into a thirteen minute film, naturally called The Ghost Bus.
Besides seeing the film, Bartons had put lights and a smoke machine inside the bus, to give it a supernatural and atmospheric air, amplified by the darkness of the garage setting. Would you want to spend the night alone on this bus?
Roberto has also made a shorter, six minute film, using some of the other photos called Seaside Film, Both films were impressive and well received by the audience. There was also time for a small question and answer session.
It was a wonderful event, and for those that are curious about what the film looks like, Roberto has put a small extract on YouTube - https://youtu.be/1YWqP38vHQo
Thursday, 26 March 2015
Local Views
Here's a selection of old postcards that belong to Graham, the author of the book that I have in my collection of local history books and pamphlets.
Graham has a vast collection of old postcards that are all of Beeston, including buildings, streets and the canal. They are amazing to look at and see how my town has changed since the cards were printed, which in some cases a 100 years.
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
Bridal Shoot
A shot from the photography show that I went to the other day.
This model was posing for a lighting demonstration, so of course, almost everyone was standing facing her. I just thought that I would try it from this angle.
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
Goodbye Norma Jean
This 4ft x 5ft silkscreen print of Marilyn Monroe is on offer at a local art gallery, for an astonishing price of £8000. The price of a small car. It is called 'Fantasy" and is the work of artist Stephen Simpson.
You would need a very big space for it to be properly displayed, so that you can see the full effect of the glittery surface. Not really something that you could hang on the wall of an ordinary house.
Monday, 23 March 2015
Tunnel Of Love
Just spent an enjoyable day at the Photography Show in Birmingham's NEC.
I caught up with some photographers that I know, and had a very good look round all the stands and stalls.
Ended up buying a new lens for my Olympus camera, and this is one of the first photos that I took with it. It is one of two underpasses that you have to walk through from the car park to the main halls. Generally underpasses are dark, dank, scary places, that people are often frightened to walk through. But the exhibition centre has made an effort to make it a more pleasant experience.
Sunday, 22 March 2015
Nag's Head
These brass horses are actually part of very dramatic door handles that I came across today whilst at my local police station.
No, it's OK, I hadn't been arrested for taking photographs, which seems to happen a lot these days, but was on a conducted tour round the building, which was built in the 1930s and is full of art deco architecture.
Saturday, 21 March 2015
Fruit, Flowers And Fish
We have a wonderful greengrocers in Beeston that has been there over 100 years. It is one of the most popular shops in the town, despite having three large supermarkets in the area.
I'm usually in there on a Saturday morning, buying out fruit and veg for the week, and sometimes I'll pick up some flowers, as a present for Gail.
Friday, 20 March 2015
Here is my shot of the eclipse, that I took on the way to work. Well the beginning of it. I wanted to see it when the moon had passed further across. But as I was in work, I don't think I could have nipped out with my camera.
I guess that I was also a bit disappointed that the sky didn't go blacker than it did. It did look strange, but I suppose that I was expecting something more apocalyptic. I have no idea when the next one might occur.
There were certainly many people about standing on street corners with camera or pieces of paper in trying to capture the moment. Maybe I might have been better off in taking photos of them instead!
Still we had a brilliant sunset, which to me are infinitely more enjoyable to see. I stopped off and took this on my way home.
Thursday, 19 March 2015
Potty Time
There was a large food and drink market in the Old Market Square today, so I had a look round to see if there was anything worth taking a photo of.
I had to chuckle to myself when I saw all these flowerpot men waiting in line to be sold. I wonder how many are called Bill, and how many Ben?
There were quite a few different styles of ornament. And I'm sure there is one for almost every garden. Even those that only have a postage size open space.
Wednesday, 18 March 2015
Another shot of Oscar dozing on the sofa.
I think it really is a cats life, rather than a dogs, as both Oscar and Marmalade have it all; food on tap, a quiet house and comfy seats, beds and floors to relax on.
Tuesday, 17 March 2015
Irish Charm
Today as you all probably know is St Patrick's Day, and a day when everyone want's to be Irish.
I'm usually working in town when they have the parade to the Old Market Square. But today I had another day off, so I missed it. Although from what photos I have seen, it was more or less identical to last years.
So I scanned my archive and pulled out this photo that I took last year of this rather colourful character enjoying a slice of meet pie.
Monday, 16 March 2015
Health Service
Early this morning I had to go to the QMC hospital. No, fortunately there wass nothing wrong with me, I just had to take someone in who was scheduled to have a small operation. Thankfully nothing too serious, but it will mean that they will need to have around a month off work for their recovery time.
While they were in theatre, I took some photos of the views that I could see out of the ward windows. At the front of the photo you can see the new tram bridge, which I saw being put into place during September 2013. Then there is the main A52 road that takes vehicles towards Newark and Grantham.
There used to be a number of nurses' quarters where all those cars are parked. But they were knocked down a couple of years ago, to expand the existing car park, as the old multi-storey car park had to be knocked down due to crumbling concrete.
The hospital is meant to be building a new multi-storey car park that's going to have a helipad on the top. They just have to find all the money to build it.
There's been a lot written about the poor state of the NHS; the cuts in service, shortage of beds and overworked medical staff. But I have to say, the nurses and doctors that were involved this morning did a wonderful job, and the operation went well.
Sunday, 15 March 2015
Sunday Siesta
A dull afternoon here in Beeston, and Marmalade thinks it is better to have a nap on the settee, instead of going out in the cold and wet.
Wise cat.
Saturday, 14 March 2015
Marmalade enjoying a bit of early morning sunshine. Our little cat is getting on in years now, and he now has to have a pill each day to keep him well. But he still enjoys life in his own way, and is very dear to us.
Friday, 13 March 2015
Fashionistas, Head This Way
Sadly I just missed the start of the 1pm showing, and the guys on the door wouldn't let me in. Which annoyed me, as I'm sure it wouldn't have mattered. So I had to make do with taking a photo of the marquee they are using, together with a giant TV screen.
Must try harder next year.
Thursday, 12 March 2015
It's A Winner
The organisation that I work for publishes an in-house magazine every month, and besides the usual work related articles, they run a photo competition. I have never gone in for it before, partly due to either forgetting, or not liking the themes.
But this changed last month, as I read that the theme for March was going to be 'retro', and I know exactly which photo I would enter with.
I took this photo last year during the Pride celebrations in the city centre. These two were standing outside a vintage store in Hockley. Obviously the owners, and they were outside the shop and enjoying the summer sunshine.
Some tweaking in my digital darkroom, to give it an aged look. The only giveaway that it wasn't taken in the 1960s is the fact that the blonde on the bike is holding an iPad.
Anyway I found out today that my photo had been picked out as the winner, and I have won a £20 shopping voucher and a mug. Not a huge prize, but it's the first one that I've ever won with one of my pictures.
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Just Not Cricket
Not being interested in sport at all, I have never been to the two football grounds that Nottingham has, or indeed the cricket ground near Trent Bridge in West Bridgford.
This changed today, as I had to visit the cricket ground for a job interview. I don't think it went too badly, but we will see.
Before I left, I thought I would take a few photos of the cricket pitch, which was being got ready for the new season. It was strange to see all the empty seats, as whenever I've seen it on TV, it has been packed.
But cricket to me is slow and boring. There seems to be a lot of hanging around after the ball has been chucked, and someone tries to hit it and then there's a bit of running around. Maybe they could speed things up a bit, to make it appear to be a bit more exciting than it is a present.
The design of the floodlights is quite unusual, as they look like giant lollypops, and you can see them from quite a way away.
Tuesday, 10 March 2015
I seem to be taking a lot of flower photos recently. I'm not too sure why. Possibly because there's not too many events going on at the moment, being still early in the year.
It was lovely and sunny today, and so I went for a walk around Hockley and the Lace Market. These crocuses were enjoying the warmth in the grounds of St Mary's Church.
Spring is definitely on it's way.
Monday, 9 March 2015
Paws For Thought
I also came across this message at the garden centre, that spoke to me, as an owner of two cats.
I would say that both our lives have changed since Marmalade and Oscar joined our household some years ago. They have certainly left their mark on our hearts, and wallets, as they only seem to eat expensive cat food!
Sunday, 8 March 2015
Spring Is Almost Here
We popped over to a local garden centre near West Bridgford this afternoon, to look at plants, as Gail was especially keen on getting some rhubarb plants for presents for some friends of ours.
It's a very big garden centre and they sell practically everything to do with a person's outside space. Looking around, I noticed a trolley full of resin birds and animals.
There were dogs, cats, pigs, chickens and this very cute spring lamb. A shame that he is made of hard plastic, rather than soft wool, as he would be really cuddly to touch.
Saturday, 7 March 2015
As you may have noticed by reading previous blog entries, we are very good friends with the Disco Prophets. So it was nice to be asked round for dinner today and having the opportunity of taking photos of Louie & Sidney, two very special cocker spaniels.
Louie & Sidney are very active and do a lot of running around, so I was happy that Sidney managed to sit still long enough in the garden for me to take his portrait. Poor Louie is deaf, so obviously he can't hear any instructions, so he has to be physically picked up or held for posing. So Gail had a go at taking his photo.
Friday, 6 March 2015
Monkeying Around
I bought a large box of PG Tips tea bags today, that came with a free cuddly chimp toy that often features in their TV ads.
PG used to use real chimps in their TV adverts up until the late 80s. I think the most famous, or well known advert is the piano one, with the immortal line "You hum it son, and I'll play it".
The main aim of the free toy is that it promotes the Red Nose Day charity, which this year falls on the 13th of March.
Thursday, 5 March 2015
Table Manners
Posh is a play that chronicles a group of students at Oxford University who are in an exclusive dining club and get up to some bad behaviour.
The play is based around the exploits of the real Bullingdon Club, whose members have included David Cameron, George Osborn and London Mayor Boris Johnson. The all male group dined, got drunk then would often run amoco in restaurants, breaking windows and smashing things up, and being from wealthy backgrounds, would apparently pay for the damage in cash.
The Playhouse hosted the play, which was written in 2010, last week. Sadly I didn't get to see it, but to tie in with the performances, the theatre ran a competition on Twitter to win a copy of the script, signed by Laura Wade herself. Fortunately I was one of the winners, and went to collect the book from the Playhouse today.
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
On The Tiles
A bit of fun with a game of Scrabble.
I created it for a little contest a few of us photographers have on Twitter. Some are UK based, and other are Stateside. The theme was tabletop games. I thought I would use Olympus, as it's a seven letter word, and also the make of my camera.
Tuesday, 3 March 2015
A Little Ray Of Sunshine
The first daffodil to bloom in our garden, although a few more are slowly popping their heads up out of the soil.
I think it had a head start, as it's home is in the front garden, which gets most of the sun. Well when we get some that is. But at least we know that spring is still getting nearer by the day.
Monday, 2 March 2015
Night Light
Well at long last the evenings are really drawing out now. It was even still light as I cycled home.
But the light began to fade by the time that I reached Highfields. But not too dark to stop me taking a photo or two of the University and lake without a tripod. Although I did rest my camera on a nearby litterbin bin.
Sunday, 1 March 2015
Love Never Dies
March the 1st, and it's theme day in the world of the Daily Photo blogs.
This months theme is ageing. Of course we all get older by the second, but love never dies.
As proof of this, Gail bought me this rose for Valentine's Day. It's lasted well over the last two weeks, but sadly I had to put it in the compost bin, as it has aged and the petals were very dry and getting ready to fall off and make a bit of a mess.
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