A photo a day from the famous East Midlands city, its surroundings, and wherever the photographic journey takes me.
Header Photo

Monday, 27 November 2006
The Show Will Go On
Hi fellow bloggers, just thought I'd update you with my situation. It appears that British Telecom have informed my Internet company that I'm no loger with them and so have stopped my connection. This is completely wrong & I'm making further enquiries and speaking to Trading Standards. The trouble is that I've been told that it's going to take another 5 days to get my connection back and I can start putting my photos back on again.
Thursday, 23 November 2006
My Blogger Won't Come Back
I'm having problems with my Internet line at home at the moment & I can't seem to upload my photos at work, so alas I can't keep you up to date with what's happening in Nottingham.
Hopefully normal service will be resumed as soon as, as I know how much you enjoy looking and reading about my snapshots.
Hopefully normal service will be resumed as soon as, as I know how much you enjoy looking and reading about my snapshots.
Monday, 20 November 2006
Santa's Little Helpers

Here's a homage to all those great Christmas pop songs that we always start to hear about now. I think the most famous is probably the one by Slade. 'Merry Chrismas Everybody' has been played at every disco, party and on every radio station since 1973.
Here we go; "Are you hanging up your stocking on the wall..."
Sunday, 19 November 2006
Down Memory Lane

This demonstration by the Alzheimer's Society is about the first in the Market Square for over a year, due to the ongoing construction work. It is in response to the Government's recent short sighted plan to withdraw funding for medicines for the unfortunate individuals who have this disease. Apparently it only costs £2.50 or 3.6 euros a day to keep someone's mind healthy, rather than hundreds to keep them in hospital, or worse, in a home.
Saturday, 18 November 2006
And on the Other Channel
Friday, 17 November 2006
Broadcasting to the World
Thursday, 16 November 2006
Saints or Sinners?

Following on from yesterday's photo, here is a close up of one of the figures I was telling you about. There are a number of them around the top edge of the building, both men and women & all in different poses. As a sub-project, I might try and take a photo of all of them. It would be great if they cleaned the building up though, then it would be a dazzling white.
Wednesday, 15 November 2006
Rooftop View

I took this photo from the top floor of the Cornerhouse, a small food & entertainment complex that has been open a few years now. The big white building is called the Elite building, and it was originally built as a cinema at the turn of the 20th century. During the 1980's it was a bingo hall & now it is used as a nightclub. There are a number of figures around the top of the building of both men & women & could be saints.
Tuesday, 14 November 2006
Mouse in the House

Here's something you don't often see. A whole shop dedicated to one character. In this case it's a mouse called Diddl. I know nothing much at all about the toy, as he doesn't seem to be that well known in this country. But I thought the window display looked quite colourful.
Monday, 13 November 2006
Sign of the Times

Here is another old factory that has been put to a new use. It was used for lace dyeing and belonged to Hicking Pentecost, but now it has been turned into an adult restaurant called Hooters. During the 1980's, I used to work in the building next door. It was empty for a few years, but has now been turned into luxury flats. A recent survey by our local paper, has found out that there are in the region of 600 empty flats in the city centre. But they keep building more. Why?
Sunday, 12 November 2006
A Quiet Moment

This area is beside the Trip pub and next to the Castle. The museum of Nottinghamshire life is in front, with the famous caves to the left. The land used to belong to the local water board. I posted their wrought iron gate a few months back. As today is Rememberance Sunday, I thought this looked a good place to contemplate victims of war since 1914.
Saturday, 11 November 2006
Underage Drinkers?
Friday, 10 November 2006
Flower Friday
Thursday, 9 November 2006
Autumn Over the Battlements
Wednesday, 8 November 2006
Bondi Express

Well, not exactly. This is actually an advert on the back of a local bus for a new furniture store in one of Nottingham's suburbs. Due to the change of shape of the buses these days, full adverts like these are beginning to appear. I will certainly be looking out for some more examples. This one is for Sally and Nathalie, who produce blog sites of Sydney in Australia.
Tuesday, 7 November 2006
Hard and Soft
Monday, 6 November 2006
Branches of Life
Sunday, 5 November 2006
What a Waste
Saturday, 4 November 2006
Snap Happy

Walking down Derby Road, I spotted this giant poster in an art shop advertising a local photographic company: Lifephotographic. Naturally I had to stop and take a snap or two. The models in the photo look very relaxed and happy. They remind me of the group Girl's Aloud.
Friday, 3 November 2006
The Sun Always Shines
Thursday, 2 November 2006
The Nightwatchman
Wednesday, 1 November 2006
Something About To Disappear

Today is theme day in the world of the daily photo blogger, and as the title suggests, this month's theme is something that is about to be lost forever. My contribution is this house in the Park, which is about to be knocked down and replaced with even more luxury flats. Personally I couldn't live in a flat, as I enjoy having a garden and not having to put up with noisy and nosey neighbours.
Around 50 bloggers are participating, with the links below. Don't forget the time differences across the world.
1 (Porto ) -2 (Seattle WA USA (Kim) ) -3 (London, UK ) -4 (Greenville, SC ) -5 (Albuquerque, NM (USA) ) -6 (St Paul Kate ) -7 (ShangHai, China ) -8 (Phoenix, Az ) -9 (Twin Cities, MN ) -10 (Sequim, WA ) -11 (Stayton, OR, USA ) -12 (Bandung (Indonesia) ) -13 (Dallas, USA ) -14 (Stavanger (Norway) ) -15 (Singapore (zannnie) ) -16 (Budapest (Hungary) ) -17 (Paris (France) ) -18 (Tuzla (BiH) ) -19 (Melbourne, (Aust.) ) -20 (Auckland, New Zealand ) -21 (Singapore (Raymond) ) -22 (Dubai UAE (DXBluey) ) -23 (Vantaa, Finland ) -24 (Oshawa, Ontario, Canada ) -25 (St. Paul MN Carol ) -26 (Singapore (Keropok) ) -27 (Delta Colorado, USA ) -28 (Rotterdam (Netherlands ) -29 (Queens, NY (USA) ) -30 (Tenerife (Spain) ) -31 (Santiago (Chile) ) -32 (Nelson, New Zealand ) -33 (( Japan ) ) -34 (Hyde (UK) ) -35 (Sydney (Sally) ) -36 (Manila, Philippines ) -37 (Aliso Viejo, CA (USA) ) -38 (Nottingham UK ) -39 (Brussels, Belgium ) -40 (Sharon, CT (USA) ) -41 (Sydney Australia (Nathalie) ) -42 (Edinburgh, Scotland ) -43 (Evry, France ) -44 (San Diego, CA (USA)) -
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