The layout of our towns and cities always intrigues me, as to why they are the shape they are. Sometimes it's rivers, hills or some other natural feature that stop houses or roads from stretching any further.
Here's the town of Southwell with an interesting layout of roads and houses. Some in a straight line, some at angles, and with a good smattering of trees in between.
Planning commissions here are nuts. They came up with the idea of having a lake for ever so many new homes. So we have a lot of small lakes gradually filling in and those attracted a lot of Canada Geese whose waste is slicker than sheets of ice.
ReplyDeleteDo you have to have lakes also?
i think the layout of the UK cities is so much more interesting than the american grid system.
ReplyDeleteGreat shot Gail's man! Interesting array of houses, trees and other plots. Looks very quaint.
ReplyDeleteI like this alot.