A photo a day from the famous East Midlands city, its surroundings, and wherever the photographic journey takes me.
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Monday, 31 August 2015
Marriage Lines
It's a bank holiday for us in the UK today, and of course it has rained all day, which is about normal for us. It's the last one too until Christmas, which is a sad and scary thought.
So I have been stuck in all day, pottering around and playing about on the Internet. Not taken any photos either. So here's one that I took on Saturday in Beeston.
A 1974 Rolls Royce Silver Shadow, dressed as a wedding car for a celebration that was going on at the church nearby. I didn't wait around to see the bride and groom, as I was more interested in the car and I was on my way to see someone.
Sunday, 30 August 2015
Obscured By Clouds
There was a full moon last night, a blue one at that.
I took this last night when I got home from the Midnight Special gig.
The sky was peppered with small cloud formations, cirrocumulus, which sadly blotted out the full view of the moon.
Saturday, 29 August 2015
Midnight Special
Popped down to see two friends of mine who play under the name of Midnight Special.
Joe usually plays the blues, while Emma does folk. They really work together well and have a great sound, mixing the two styles without hearing a join.
They were appearing at the Hop Pole, a real ale pub in Chilwell that holds lots of music nights. I've been to a few, but I think these guys are the most popular.
Friday, 28 August 2015
The Lion Sleeps Tonight
Who can resist this cute toy lion, with his sly look and smile?
I saw him in a shop window display and the child in me went "ah", and of course I just had to take a photo.
It looks like Leo is in the circus, but he wouldn't look that happy if he was, as circuses are terrible places for animals, with the cruel treatment that they receive to make them perform.
Fortunately animal based circuses are on the way out in the UK, but sadly other countries still have them and don't respect the rights of animals and the fact that they are living beings.
Thursday, 27 August 2015
As If By Magic
Roy Bond is a local close-up magician. I have met him a few times now at local Twitter meet-ups that I go to.
He is very good, and I still can't work out how he does his tricks, even though I always tried to watch carefully and closely, and as in my photo, even when he had his sleeves rolled up.
The people who came to the Tweet-ups couldn't work it out either, and were amazed at the results, whether it was a tennis ball appearing from under a small tin cup, writing appearing on a blank card and this mesmerising rope rope trick, where three pieces of rope become one.
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
Meals On Wheels
On my travels down in Hockley and the Lace Market yesterday with my fellow photographer, we came across this handcart that was being used to grow food. It was there to prove that no matter how small your garden, you could still grown your own, and hopefully organic food.
It had be created by the shop you can see in the background called Ice Nine. They sell all sorts of weird and wonderful things, like clothing, jewellery and gifts.
I don't know if the shop sells this bee wind chime, but he was a cute bit of decoration for the barrow. Just a shame that he was hanging upsidedown.
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
Facing The Future
Walking through the Lace Market at lunchtime today with a pal from work, we came across a road that was closed due to some building work that was going on.
Whilst my mate was talking to one of the construction workers about what sort of building they were putting up, incidentally some more students flats, I was looking around and what the construction site was like, I noticed this silver face staring at me.
He didn't say anything at all, even when I took his photo. He was a strange looking creature. Not very tall. For a moment I thought he was related to the Cybermen, as he face was silver colour. Then I realised that he was actually the side and handle of an industrial sized wheelie bin!
Monday, 24 August 2015
Over the weekend I was reading about some people who had been boating on Highfields' lake and got stuck in the mud at one end of the lake.
Apparently they didn't see the warning sign that is close to where the mudbank starts. So I thought I would have a look at this sign and work out why the boaters didn't see it.
Here's the said sign, and it's not surprising the people got into trouble, as you can't even properly read what the sign says, let alone the small size of it. It doesn't even look like a proper sign, just maybe something that has been thrown in the water.
No doubt the council will now replace the sign with a new, bigger and easier to read one. But surely this is something that should have been done a long time ago.
Sunday, 23 August 2015
Jazz. Nice
Here's Jeanie Barton entertaining the audience at the Proms in the Park. Her light style of singing was just right for the early evening concert, that took place in Dovecote Lane Park.
People brought along chair, blankets and picnics, as no seating was provided. It certainly added to the party feeling. There were a couple of burger vans around, if people didn't fancy doing any washing up.
I first knew Jeanie when she was a small girl, as I was involved in a local drama group that her parents ran. We lost touch when I left the group, but met up a few years ago in Beeston.
Saturday, 22 August 2015
All Aboard
Phew, I've had a busy day today.
Firstly I took some photos to a local shop where I have a small display, as part of Beeston's week long Arts Trail. Then I went to the launch of the Arts Trail at the White Lion, where I saw a storyteller I know called Melvyn. He plays a character called Professor Popup, but could be an incarnation of Doctor Who.
I then went down to Beeston Marina to see the World War 2 landing craft that is moored there. It was going on a rare voyage along the canal to Nottingham. Instead of taking soldiers, for which it was designed for, it was taking passengers on a trip for which they had paid a fare, which was going towards a couple of local charities. I didn't go on the trip, as I had some shopping to do.
Then this evening I went to Proms in the Park. Jeanie Barton was singing. I wasn't sure whether it would be going ahead, as there was a terrific rainstorm about half an hour before it was due to start. But things were OK and so I popped down to see her. Her family were there too, so I had a chat to them whilst listening to Jeanie.
Friday, 21 August 2015
Wrapping Up Well For Winter
Yarn bombing is a fairly new phenomenon. It was Beeston's turn yesterday evening, as a group of three ladies were decorating the Beeman statue, ready for Beeston's Arts Trail, which starts tomorrow.
Besides giving the statue a crocheted hat and poncho, he also received a fake beard, even though he has one of his own. The accompanying beehive was also bombed by a number of wooly bees.
Beeston sadly woke up to some bad news this morning, as all the knitting had disappeared. An early idea was they had been stolen by people passing by, but the truth came out later in the day; some silly council cleaners had taken them away and put them in the bin. Somehow they didn't realise that they had been placed there for a reason.
A plea had gone out on Social Media for people to quickly knit some more to replace the ones that had been lost. Hopefully lots of knotting has taken place today, and there will be plenty to see tomorrow.
Thursday, 20 August 2015
Ship Ahoy
Today apparently is World Photo Day. The day when everybody is meant to take a photo. But some of us try and take a photo every day anyway. Especially when you have a daily photo blog, that requires a new photo every day.
So here's my small contribution, an old boat that has been painted up and used as a decorative planter. The boat is probably one that used to be paddled on the lake at Highfields, but has become dangerous to use, so instead of chopping it up for firewood, they've recycled it into something useful and pleasing to look at.
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Brutal Architecture
No one can really say that this is great architecture. It's part of the Broad Marsh shopping centre, and it certainly is ugly.
Even if it is not a part that is easily seen from the street, I think they should still have taken a bit more care with it. Maybe if they mended the windows thinks might look better. But there are plans for the whole shopping centre to be redeveloped, so maybe it will happen then.
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
Secret Squirrel
Another dull day, and another cycle ride through Highfields.
One of the many squirrels that inhabit the park posed for me today, whilst looking for food. Not having a zoom lens on my camera, I had to creep very slowly towards him. I actually had a legacy lens on my Olympus, the Nikon 50mm f1.4D. I moved very quietly too, so that I wouldn't scare him and he would make a bolt for the nearby tree. But he sat there quite contentedly posing for a photo or two, before scuttling off in search of some more titbits.
Monday, 17 August 2015
A Touch Of Pink
A quiet Monday, so here's a shot of one of the flowers that I photographed at the garden centre yesterday. A lovely little pink flower, that sadly I don't know the name of either.
Sunday, 16 August 2015
Post Man
We went looking for plants this afternoon at a local garden centre called Bardills, as Gail wants me to update the garden a bit, as it looking a little tired in some places where plants have either died or its looking a little bare.
Of course I took my camera with me to take any pictures of scenes that I come across, like this unusual blue flower, that I didn't note the name of. We had lunch there to start with, before looking around the vast site and at all the different plants for sale.
I just had to take a photo of this 'person' made from wood and resting on a fence. His flowerpot hat just adds to the sense of fun of the character, and would look at home in the right garden. I was tempted to buy it, but resisted. Still we did spend a lot of money on various plants, including lavender, some herbs and a small magnolia tree.
Saturday, 15 August 2015
I went to see my favourite local band The Madeline Rust tonight at Rough Trade; a record store that opened earlier this year. It was quite an intimate gig, as the space wasn't large, but the devoted audience loved it. As they usually do. The band have quite a faithful following of friends and fans alike.
Here's Lucy, the singer and bassist with the band. Whilst she sports a unique, dramatic look, she's one of the loveliest people I know. Her hubby Gavin, also photographs the band in action, and we often do a sort of photographic dance, as we move around and swap places at the front of the stage, to get different views of the action.
The whole band are great fun to chat to, and I do hope that they get the opportunity of going on to bigger things with bigger audiences, as I think they are as good, if not better than some of the headline bands that are out there these days. But that's just my biased opinion.
Friday, 14 August 2015
It's been an awful day today. Just rain, rain and more rain. But there was only very light drizzle by home time, so I was able to cycle through Highfields and see if there was anything worth taking a photo of.
Being a park, there are naturally quite a number of benches scattered about, where people can sit and look at the views, or watch the ducks and swans swimming on the lake. A number of them have plaques on them telling visitors that a loved one enjoyed coming to the park and sitting on that seat.
I noticed this particular seat, as someone had stuck a bouquet of flowers to it to remember the person, a Mike Brown who enjoyed walking through the park with a woman called Susannah.
Thursday, 13 August 2015
A bit of colour on a fairly grey and overcast day.
Saw these growing in a bed in Highfields. Their bright orange colour certainly stood out to me, so I couldn't resist taking a photo or two.
It's raining whilst I am writing this. So does that mean that summer is over for another year?
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
The Clatter Of Bottles
Anyone over a certain age will remember the milkman. That early morning delivery of fresh milk, just in time for breakfast and the first cuppa of the day.
And of course milko was environmentally friendly, with their electric floats and recycling the glass bottles; the empties. Seeing this old toy milk float in a local junk shop brought back the memories of hearing the whirl of the motor, and the clanking of the milk bottles.
But sadly those days are done, as everyone seems to get their milk from the supermarket nowadays, in either plastic bottles or cardboard packs. Not so green. And also the farmers that supply the milk are not getting such a good deal as they used to. In fact I read somewhere that they actually lose money on each tanker full they supply.
So I wasn't surprised to see on the news a load of Somerset farmers protesting about this in an unusual way. Firstly they led a cow into a supermarket and then they bought every carton of milk in the store and went on to hand it out to people in the street once they had paid for it all. It was quite amusing to see them all load up their trollies. It's a serious matter of course, and there is a public campaign underway to get farmers a better deal, by just raising the price of a pint of milk by a couple of pennies.
Tuesday, 11 August 2015
Baby You Can Drive My Car
You never know what you may come across in a junk shop.
Looking in the window of my local one, I saw this old and rather battered model car. Clearly a Mercedes from the logo on the front, but have no idea of what model number it is.
It is probably made by Dinky Toys during the late 1950s. The shop was closed, so I couldn't pop in and see it, and dare to ask how much they wanted for it.
Monday, 10 August 2015
I Heart Beeston
This is Stephanie, one of the organisers of the Beeston Bay attraction, that and the other events that have taken place over the last few years.
She works for an organisation called Beeston BID, who's main aim is to promote Beeston as a tourist and shopping destination.
I personally enjoy living in Beeston and getting involved in things that take place; usually with my camera in my hand.
Sunday, 9 August 2015
Land Ahoy
Here's a happy looking pirate, one that's around twelve foot tall.
Don't worry, Beeston isn't being invaded by Blackbeard and his gang, it's all part of the Beeston Bay community day.
Besides Cut-throat Jake, there were a number of stalls, both trade and charity, a music stage and of course a beach.
It has been lovely and sunny and lots of people have attended the event at Broadgate Park, and I think have had a whale of a time.
Saturday, 8 August 2015
Posing Pussy
Today is apparently International Cat Day, and clearly Oscar is well aware of this, with the way he is relaxing on our garden seat. Laid out like lamb and lettuce, as the saying goes.
Friday, 7 August 2015
Shepherd's Delight
There is an old saying which goes "Red sky at night, shepherd's delight".
Well, we certainly had a red sky last night, but I don't think too many Nottingham based shepherds, or anyone else for that matter would be pleased with today's weather, as it certainly wasn't a delight, being dull, cold and the constant threat of rain.
Lets hope the weather over the weekend will be better.
Thursday, 6 August 2015
Had a walk through the Park Estate at lunchtime with a pal from work, who is also a photographer, but mainly takes landscapes.
Strolling through the quiet leafy streets, we came across the Mod inspired motor scooter, the type that was featured in the movie Quadrophenia, with music by The Who.
Wednesday, 5 August 2015
A Little Taste Of Italy
This is Jeanie Barton & Marysia Zipser, both friends of mine and who I met up with tonight at the Star Inn.
Marysia is promotes arts and heritage tourism, and is organising a week long tour of Tuscany in October. Gail and I were about the first to put our names down for the trip as it sounds a great experience.
The tour is also part of an exercise to get Tuscany twinned with Beeston. It's something that the Tuscan mayor is keen to happen. And that can only be good for Beeston, when Italian tourists come over and see what Beeston has to offer.
Marisa gave a couple of presentations about the holiday, while Jeanie, a jazz singer, entertained everyone with her Italian themed songs.
The local paper ran a story about the plans, and the reporter had rung me up for a chat about the idea and what I thought of it, which of course I did. I also mentioned my photography and this blog which they printed almost word for word.
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
Monday, 3 August 2015
It's Not What You Think
So this is today's headline in our local paper. What do you make of it?
Do you think, ugh how disgusting, using the sand in the Old Market Square as a toilet?
Well you'd be wrong. Sadly the headline refers to a man who was stabbed with a knife yesterday afternoon. Fortunately the police have arrested the person responsible and is currently helping them with their enquiries as they say.
Sunday, 2 August 2015
Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil, See No Evil
Bit of street photography today and just look at these three old guys sitting outside Marks & Spencer's. I have no idea whether they are waiting for their wives who are out shopping, or just taking a breather. But I think it makes for a good scene.
Saturday, 1 August 2015
It's All Rideable
The first day of the month and so it's Theme Day in the world of City Daily Photos.
Since the theme of "bicycles" was announced, I have been looking to see if I could find an old fashioned, classic bike, after all Nottingham is the home of Raleigh Bicycles.
Sorry to say that I haven't, so I went for a rummage in my archive and came across this scene from a blue plaque unveiling in memory of a local cycling legend called Sid Standard.
Sid owned a cycle shop in Beeston and was also a member of the local cycling club. He sadly died 12 years ago, on a cycling trip in Derbyshire. So to honour his memory, a blue plaque has been put up on the side of his shop, which is still a cycle shop in September last year.
For the classic bike spotter, you can see a Raleigh Chopper in the left hand window, next to the former mayor of Broxtowe Stan Heptinstall.
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