Abe Lincoln over at Brookville Daily Photo is showing us all a photo of a cow today, so I'm posting a similar farmyard resident. I took this chicken at Beauvale Priory, during a rehearsal this week. Tonight is our last night. I hope it doesn't rain tonight, as it did last night. Standing outdoors in the pouring rain was no fun. But the audience all stayed with us to the soaking wet end.
A photo a day from the famous East Midlands city, its surroundings, and wherever the photographic journey takes me.
Header Photo

Saturday, 31 July 2010
Little Red Rooster
Abe Lincoln over at Brookville Daily Photo is showing us all a photo of a cow today, so I'm posting a similar farmyard resident. I took this chicken at Beauvale Priory, during a rehearsal this week. Tonight is our last night. I hope it doesn't rain tonight, as it did last night. Standing outdoors in the pouring rain was no fun. But the audience all stayed with us to the soaking wet end.
Friday, 30 July 2010
Red, White And Blue
Nottingham Forest, one of the local football teams promoted the new shirt design and sponsor on Thursday. This gang were walking around the Old Marker Square with Robin Hood showing everyone the new design and handing out leaflets about the club. Not being a football fan I didn't bother with the leaflet, but as they were posing for a friend of mine called Julie, I took the opportunity of taking a shot as well. I hope they weren't too cold, as the weather has certainly changed since last week.
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Here's a shot of Marmalade giving me the eye as I took her portrait. I'm not sure whether she likes having her photo taken, as she tends to shy away from the camera. But she is quite a photogenic little cat, so hopefully she'll get used to me snapping away at her when she does something interesting.
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Oodles Of Noodles
A new take away opened in the city centre this week, going by the name of YoYo Noodle. I've not been in yet. I do like noodles, so I might pop in for a menu and give them a try. I hope they do well. But some restaurants and cafes do have a habit of closing after a few months. Maybe it's because there is so much choice now, or that people's tastes change.
The logo of the hungry baby is quite amusing. Based I wonder on Matt Lucas!
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Night Follows Day
This week is going to be a busy one for me, as every evening until Saturday I will be at Beauvale Priory, performing in the community play about the monks that lived there 550 years ago. I'm not going to be around to even participate in this week's Headbanger Challenge.
We had a rehearsal tonight. The first time with proper staging. One the way home, I stopped off and took this sunset shot over the farmland.
Monday, 26 July 2010
Desperately Seeking Sulley
Many people will instantly recognise this character from Monsters Inc. Even I knew what film he is from, even though I have never seen it, or know what he is called. He is for sale at £850, at a sci-fi shop near Canning Circus. I'm sure in the right sort of house he would look fine, and could be used as a burglar deterrent.
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Water Babies
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Jungle Cat
Friday, 23 July 2010
The Cat That Got The Water
Gail was busy with my camera the other day taking photos of our little Marmalade while she was sitting on top of my car. Marmalade that is, not my wife! As it had been raining, there were lots of droplets of water on the roof. Marmalade appeared to be enjoying herself as she was licking up the pools of water.
Thursday, 22 July 2010
You're My Little Teddy Bear
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Even I Was Young Once

I've picked this week's Headbanger Challenge theme, which is childhood memories. Mine are of family holidays. Even though I was an only child, I can happily remember holidays with my mum and dad. Sometimes other relatives came along, as in my Aunty Ethel, when we went to Butlin's at Filey in Yorkshire. I remember finding a £5 note. An absolute fortune to a small boy in 1972. I bought my dad a packet of cigarettes, my mum and aunty a porcelain figure each, and I treated myself to a Matchbox model of a racing car. The holidays were always in England, and always self catering. Christmas 1972 was different, as I went with my mum to Australia. Her son had gone over in the 1960s as a 'Ten Pound Pom'. It took her a couple of years to save up for the air fare. We went by Quantas, and got a certificate when we crossed the international dateline.
Today's picture shows the start of my interest in cars. This Rolls Royce wasn't ours. It belonged to the man my dad was chauffeuring at the time. It certainly stood out from all the others in the street, and it might have been the only one in Beeston at the time.
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Are You Sitting Comfortably
Tonight Gail and I went to our monthly strobist meeting at a professional photographic studio in Clifton. This meeting was a bit special, as we had the opportunity of shooting two young local actors: Finn Atkins and Kieran Hardcastle. They have been in a number of TV shows including Casualty and Eastenders, and appeared together in the film 'Once Upon a Time in the Midlands'.
They were good sports and put up with our snapping and suggesting poses to them. Here's one of the two of them together. Posing especially for us.
Monday, 19 July 2010
King Of The Jungle
Sunday, 18 July 2010
Little Boy Blue
Besides MuHa playing last night, a 'beatboxer' also did a turn. I wasn't sure what he was going to do. But he did a mixture of singing and making strange noises and sounds like drums with his voice. He was quite entertaining. I tried to take some photos of him, but he just wouldn't stand still!
So instead, here's his shadow against some back projection.
Saturday, 17 July 2010
And The Band Played On
I'm writing this on Sunday as last night I went to see and photograph the folk roots band MuHa. I saw them during 2009, and took some photos for them then. A couple of weeks ago they put a request on Flickr for people to go along and take shots of them. So there were four of us in all snapping away.
Friday, 16 July 2010
Dark Wine Sky
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Sleeping Beauty
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Sign Of The Times
This week's Headbanger Challenge is about signs that caught your eye. Well yesterday I was talking about how people are afraid to take pictures of children, just in case they get into trouble. Well there is the other side of the argument, about where everyone is filmed or photographed just going about their personal business. Most shops, hotels, pubs etc have some form of CCTV to monitor the movements of their customers. Then there are cameras on street corners and ones to check your speed. "Big Brother" is certainly watching you in 2010, let alone 1984.
Another more happier and useful signs are ones giving directions; making sure you don't get lost and telling you how much further your journey is. My header is taken along Beeston Canal, and which is especially useful for walkers who are out exploring the waterway.
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Who Loves Ya Baby
Holding a camera and taking a photo of children these days is seen in the same way as someone holding a bomb. It's a shame, as many good photo opportunities are lost for ever as photographers are scared to switch their cameras on. But I couldn't resist this little girl. She was standing very close to me while people were being entertained by the carnival. She seemed oblivious to both. More interested in eating her lollipop than a guy with a camera or watching a group of cheerleaders.
Monday, 12 July 2010
Sunday, 11 July 2010
Black Gold
This is a sight you rarely see on the streets of Nottingham, let alone in a playground. But attending a summer fair at a local independent school, I saw this Ferrari parked in the playground. No, it didn't belong to the headteacher, but tickets were being sold and the winner got to be taken around Donington Park in it. I didn't buy a ticket, as I am not a very lucky person, but quite happy with this photo.
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Puff The Magic Dragon
Today Beeston experienced its annual carnival. A lot of the things on offer were similar to last year. But there were also some new attractions. I was in about the right place at the right time as the procession went through the High Road. There was a pipe band, a group of belly dancers, clog dancers, firemen tugging a fire engine and this lady with her puppet dragon who was doing the comparing. Alas she did the comparing, rather than the dragon, which might have made it extra special.
Friday, 9 July 2010
High And Thai
One of the girls that I work with is celebrating her birthday on Sunday. She is one of these people whose birthdays last a week, as tomorrow she's organised a 'ladies lunch' which Gail is going to. Men are banned!
Today, some of us went out to a local Thai restaurant, who do a nice lunch menu for £5. I had chicken and noodles. As ever I had my camera with me, so I took a couple of shots of the frieze's that were dotted around the walls. As you can see, they are really effective 3D images that look like they are carved out of stone.
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Heavy Plant Crossing
For the past couple of days there has been a number of stalls in the Old Market Square. It has been selling different foods, clothing and trinkets of various kinds. A stallholder had a large selection of plants for sale. They were a number of these spiky plants. I managed to get into the right position with my camera to make it appear that there are some giant palm trees growing around.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Citrus Cooler
Headbanger Wednesday again and this week's theme is 'what makes me chuckle'. So I bet you are wondering why I've put a photo of four candles up. Well the reason is in the sentence; "four candles". It's the title of probably the funniest sketch ever, created by Ronnie Barker for The Two Ronnies. I won't spoil it for you, but you can see it on YouTube here.
Tonight's picture is a clue to another fantastically funny sketch. This time from the BBC's "Not The Nine O'clock News". If you can work it out from my photo, then you've obviously seen it a few times. For the more puzzled amongst you, here's the YouTube link.
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Licky Mouse
I think everyone likes to hear the sound of the ice cream van, as it trundles around the streets with a tune blasting out to attract some custom. I don't know what it is, but ice cream out of a machine tastes a lot better then the block in the freezer. I'm not sure if it is down to the continual churning, or the fact that its soft as it comes out of the tap and into a cornet. Not forgetting the Flake.
The world's favourite cartoon mouse loves ice cream too. As well as dressing up as Robin Hood!
Monday, 5 July 2010
Stag At Bay
Besides the hall, lake and various events that go on in the grounds, a number of deer also call Wollaton Park their home. Here's one of the stags enjoying the pleasing shade from a tree. I was cycling through the park when I saw his antlers above the grass. So I quietly got off my bike and pulled out my camera. Fortunately I had my zoom lens on, so got snapping before he realised and came charging after me. Not exactly the Serengeti, but exciting enough for me.
Sunday, 4 July 2010
Get Me To The Church On Time
To celebrate American Independence Day, here's a photo of a Ford V8 Pilot. Ford of course is the famous American car company founded by Henry Ford. You may remember he said that "You can have any colour as long as its black". Fortunately this is a nice shade of green, and the white walled tyres went well with the bride's dress.
Saturday, 3 July 2010
Voice Of An Angel
This young lady is Ellie Keys. She was one of several very good singers, dancers and musicians that entertained the shoppers this afternoon in Beeston Square. The show was created by the Broxtowe Youth Factor, an organisation designed to show everyone that the majority of teenagers are doing something useful with their lives and not hanging around on street corners, drinking cheap cider or getting into petty theft.
Friday, 2 July 2010
Flying High
Well, you wait ages for a flying motorbike, then two arrive at once. I took today's example in the Old Market Square tonight, at exactly 20:10. This particular daredevil was one of four who were showing everyone stunts in readiness of performing at Battersea Power station on August 14th. They are called the Red Bull X Fighters, and as expected, they are sponsored by Red Bull, which is a type of energy drink.
The stunt you can see being performed here is called the Hart Attack. Which is quite apt, as I'd be too frightened to try anything like that.
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Not Exactly British Airways!
So you love flying, but don't like spending hours in a crampt and hot aeroplane. Here's the next best thing. A flying motorbike. Feel the sensation of freedom from the saddle of a Yamaha. One drawback though is that you only stay in the air for 30 feet at a time. So going anywhere will take weeks, and of course riding over water is impossible.
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