Another shot from last week's European market. A close up of the French bread stall. I didn't buy any, as I thought the prices were quite expensive and you wouldn't know how fresh or stale they were until you tucked in.
A photo a day from the famous East Midlands city, its surroundings, and wherever the photographic journey takes me.
Header Photo

Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Give Us Our Daily Bread
Another shot from last week's European market. A close up of the French bread stall. I didn't buy any, as I thought the prices were quite expensive and you wouldn't know how fresh or stale they were until you tucked in.
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
And The Walls Came Tumbling Down
Monday, 29 October 2007
Digital Wimbledon
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Flaming Hell!
I know I promised you a photo from the computer games event, but I decided I'd share this shot of the Italian hot dog stall instead. I wasn't near the stall, when he lit the fire. I just saw a big plume of smoke rising into the crowd. I rushed over, as I thought one of the stands had caught fire. I don't know if he is chatting on his mobile while he is cooking.
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Food For Thought
Yesterday, it was very busy in the Old Market Square. Besides a computer game exhibition (tomorrow's post) there was a European market. Quite a number of stalls were selling all sorts of foods, handicrafts and gifts. As you can see from my photo, lots of people were attracted to the food smells and the opportunity of buying some different Christmas presents.
Friday, 26 October 2007
Don't Pull That Face At Me
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Blowin In The Wind
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Have You Forgotten Something?
One's memory is an important thing to a person. Thinking about all those events that happened in ones life. Old Man Lincoln's stories are a prime example. So it's very sad when people start to lose their memory. I have a friend who's like that. We went to see him a while ago & he asked me about a dozen times where and when we first met. So I welcome the opportunity of publicising this roadshow, which is in the Market Square this week.
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Identity Crisis
Monday, 22 October 2007
Moving House?
Here's another in the series of decorative buses. This one is advertising a local estate agents. Here's the link to their website, should you be thinking of moving to Nottingham, or want to know what sort of property is on offer.
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Face From The Past
This gargoyle or statuette is on a building on Market Street. I have walked up that road a thousand times & have never noticed it before and if it wasn't for my blogging, I might never know it was there. Besides the long distance friendship that we gain from doing this hobby, it also gives us an opportunity of looking at our hometowns differently and spotting things that might otherwise go unnoticed.
Saturday, 20 October 2007
Let There Be Light
We've all been told to reduce our consumption of electricity to counteract the rise in global warming and the threat to the planet. So why were these street lights on St James' Terrace allowed to burn all day long on a sunny day? Couldn't the timer be changed so they only came on when it got dark?
Have you got similar evidence of waste?
Friday, 19 October 2007
Not Long Now..
It may be only 66 days away, but anyone would think Christmas is just a few days away with trees, decorations & of course calendars on sale. This calendar stall in Broad Marsh just seemed to appear one day & then it will vanish around the middle of Jan, when they usually sell any remaining ones off for a quid. Everyone whose ever done anything remotely famous seems to have a calendar this year.
Whose up for doing a bloggers calendar?
Thursday, 18 October 2007
The Girl, The Place, The Book
I've actually read this very interesting & amusing comic book after seeing it on a recent television programme. It is a potted history of Sunderland and it's connection with Lewis Carroll and his Alice in Wonderland story. The drawings are in many different styles; from Tintin to Boys Own adventures. It took about 4 years to complete. So I had to take this photo of some advertising for it in a comic bookshop on Market Street and recommend that you all borrow copy from your library. It costs £14.99 to buy. For more info about Sunderland, I recommend Curly's DP site.
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
My Life In Your Hands
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Another One Bites The Dust
Here's the latest victim of the demolition gang. Scheduled to be flattened sometime next week. It's located on the corner of Lincoln and Clumber Street and has been empty for some time. I don't know what will be going up in its place, but I'm sure with a bit of TLC and a lick of paint, this building would look better than anything they decide to put in its place.
Monday, 15 October 2007
Light And Lace
You might not think this row of buildings was of anything particular, other than being old and slightly run down. Well the secret lies in the shape of the windows. They are specially designed to let in the most light. This was needed because lace knitting machines were being used on the top floor and the operators needed lots of light to see what they were doing and the lace was coming out right.
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Dead And Gone

Following on from some of the comments about my posting yesterday, I've managed to find a photo of the old Evening Post building in one of my reference books, where the Cornerhouse now stands. It was built in 1897 and has that typical Victorian Gothic look. It was quite a big building and lots of people worked there. I've shown you the building where the newspaper is now produced. Such a difference.
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Night On The Town
Nottingham is quite well known for having a very active nightlife. There are many bars, clubs and pubs across the city to keep most people happy. This is the Cornerhouse, which houses a cinema, many different eateries, and a casino has recently opened. The Evening Post had their offices on the site, which was unfortunately demolished several years ago now. This was a shame as it was quite a Gothic looking building with lots of character.
Friday, 12 October 2007
Seal of Approval
This frieze depicts Queen Victoria's jubilee and lists all the countries that Great Britain ruled over. It is situated over a bar on High Pavement in the Lace Market. I don't know what the building was first used as, but the moulding still looks very clean, considering it's been there for over a hundred years.
Thursday, 11 October 2007
A Wall Too Long
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Red Sky At Night
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Bright Lights, Big City
Gail & I went to see a concert last night. A Scottish folk/rock band by the name of Runrig. I didn't attempt to take any photos, as they never come out very well, unless you're on the first few rows. Anyway as we were leaving, I took a photo of the Elite building. A nightclub called Gatecrasher have opened there recently and they have installed these lights that change colour.
Monday, 8 October 2007
Acting Up
The Arts Theatre on George Street in Hockley is threatened with closure, due to funding problems. It has been going many years, and used to be known as the Co-op Arts Theatre. It is a stage for amateur actors, with one or two having turned professional. No one knows yet what its going to happen to it.
Sunday, 7 October 2007
Peace In The Heart Of The City
Saturday, 6 October 2007
Lunchtime Rush
I may have mentioned before that my first job was working in the Lace Market. It was quite a bustling place in 1979, with vans going up and down the street, collecting or delivering goods and people leaving their place of work and going out to lunch. The Lace Market was the most busiest during the 1960's. This photo shows Stoney Street around 12:30 on Thursday, and the building on the right is where I used to work. As you can see, it's practically deserted. My old building has now been turned into offices & a snooker club.
Friday, 5 October 2007
I Can See You
Thursday, 4 October 2007
I'm Just A Jeep'ster For Your Love
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
Make A Wish
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
Open For Business
Monday, 1 October 2007
View From The Top
I've missed signing up for this month's theme day, so today's picture is connected to the theme of churchyards, as this photo of part of the Beeston skyline, is taken from the bell tower of my local church. You may remember the old stone staircase photo from a couple of weeks ago, well this is what you see when you get to the top.
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