You might not think this row of buildings was of anything particular, other than being old and slightly run down. Well the secret lies in the shape of the windows. They are specially designed to let in the most light. This was needed because lace knitting machines were being used on the top floor and the operators needed lots of light to see what they were doing and the lace was coming out right.
A photo a day from the famous East Midlands city, its surroundings, and wherever the photographic journey takes me.
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Monday, 15 October 2007
Light And Lace
You might not think this row of buildings was of anything particular, other than being old and slightly run down. Well the secret lies in the shape of the windows. They are specially designed to let in the most light. This was needed because lace knitting machines were being used on the top floor and the operators needed lots of light to see what they were doing and the lace was coming out right.
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Very interesting post!
ReplyDeleteGreetings from TORUŃ DAILY PHOTO here in Poland. Do pop in today as we have a special competition...about a donkey!!! There is a prize at stake!
Hi gail's man: well the flying fickle finger of fate has found you!
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that's really interesting. you sure know very very well about this city from history to politics to architecture to...everything! very impressive.
ReplyDeleteNice shot,and thanks for the info.
ReplyDeleteMy DW (dear wife) could sure do with a piece of lace for her art