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Sunday 28 October 2007

Flaming Hell!

I know I promised you a photo from the computer games event, but I decided I'd share this shot of the Italian hot dog stall instead. I wasn't near the stall, when he lit the fire. I just saw a big plume of smoke rising into the crowd. I rushed over, as I thought one of the stands had caught fire. I don't know if he is chatting on his mobile while he is cooking.


  1. Charbroiled takes on a whole new meaning.
    --steve buser
    New Orleans Daily Photo

  2. Maybe scorched his cheek.great shot.

  3. hmmmmm! charbroiled sausage!! :^)

  4. Anyone for hot dog with their charcoal! Lol, great shot.

  5. Anonymous11:05 pm

    Looks more like a typical British barbecue.

  6. He's quite a dish himself!!! ;-)


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