Today we went to the Marina, Palm Island and the new Atlantis hotel. There is still so much building work going on around the marina, that we didn't stay very long. So many apartment blocks. It makes you wonder who is going to live there & more to the point, who can afford it these days with most people being strapped for cash. Anyway those that still have pockets filled with dosh, the marina was full of boats of all shapes and sizes. I particularly like the look of this one. Especially the happy blue colour of the hull.
It's most unlikely that Gail and I would be fortunate enough to have a ride on one, let alone own one. So for now we'll just have to dream and windowshop.
How amazing you've seen Palm Island. I've seen film of the work going on. Astounding. Right, who on earth will buy all these appartments now the economy has fallen about its ears.