A photo a day from the famous East Midlands city, its surroundings, and wherever the photographic journey takes me.
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Wednesday, 30 April 2014
On Patrol
I haven't posted a photo of Marmalade in a while now, so I thought you might like to see this one.
He followed me into the garage the other day and had no intention of coming out, no matter how much I called him.
Marmalade actually likes to hide away in the garage sometimes. Although he and Oscar get on quite well, the ginger one does enjoy his own space, and what could be better than a big old garage to hide in.
Here he is seeing what's happening in the garden from the safety of a window.
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
Storm In A D Cup
There was a demonstration outside the Nottingham branch of Sports Direct today by breastfeeding mums.
It all started last week when a mum and her baby were ejected from the shop into the pouring rain by a member of staff, as the new mum was discreetly breastfeeding her son. This was of course illegal. The store has since apologised, but the damaged was done.
A Facebook page was created by the Nottinghamshire Breastfeeding Mum's Network to organise a mass protest and 'nurse in' at the shop. Lots of mothers answered the call, and at lunchtime the action began.
Of course all the press & media were there, photographing and interviewing the mothers about their views on the situation. The mums then went into the store to do a mass breastfeeding session. I don't know how this went. How the store's staff reacted to this, as I had to go back to work. But I bet it was a great success for the ladies and common sense for everyone.
Monday, 28 April 2014
In a Quiet Country Churchyard
Being in the churchyard of Southwell Minster, I hope this old chap is just snoozing in the sunshine, rather than awaiting his maker!
It was so quiet, even though there is quite a busy road a few yards away. It was that quiet, that I didn't even hear a bird tweet.
I trust he enjoyed his nap and didn't get sunburnt. Maybe he then wandered off to one of the local pubs for a well earned pint.
Sunday, 27 April 2014
As it has been such a lovely, sunny day, we popped over to Southwell to take some more photos.
The weather forecasters said that it would be rainy and cold. How wrong they were.
We had a good walk round, and while we were in a car park, we came across this Alsatian dog called Somer, as he was born in Somerset. He was being fitted with this special harness. His owners explained that he has a muscle wasting disease and had difficulty in walking. By having his own special set of wheels, he could still get about and get some exercise.
Saturday, 26 April 2014
The Wedding Singer
It's sometimes funny how things can happen when you have no idea that they are going to take place.
Take today for example. I had no idea that we would be going to the Playhouse in the evening, due to something that I read on a friends' Facebook page.
Someone he knows had put this message on asking if anyone could visit the theatre and do a review of the musical that he was involved in. As I have done small reviews of shows, restaurants and events before, I contacted Darren and so Gail and I found ourselves sitting in the Playhouse and watching some great performances in action, even though they were all amateurs. First year students actually at Trent University.
The musical version of The Wedding Singer is based on the 1998 film of the same name. It's the usual story of boy meets girl, they both fancy each other, but are both too shy to declare their love for each other. Of course it all ends happily, just as the audience left the theatre.
Friday, 25 April 2014
March Of Rememberance
I was doing a little bit of window shopping in our local branch of London Camera Exchange at lunchtime, as they have quite a good selection of secondhand lenses, and I'm always on the lookout for something for my OMD. But nothing today.
Turning round, I saw a large bunch of people at the top of the street, so I went to investigate. They headed towards me and I could see that some were caring a big banner with a serious message.
20 years ago a million people were murdered in Rwanda, one of the countries in central Africa. The genocide took place against the Tutsi, one of the tribes that make up the population.
I had not read or heard anything about the parade, so I was fortunate to be in the right place at the right time, unfortunately not with the right lens on my camera, as I had decided to put my 20mm prime lens on, rather than my usual 12mm - 50mm lens. So the photo isn't as good as it could have been.
There are websites around that could tell you more about the history of Rwanda and the genocide that happened. I remember it being on the news, but I don't think I took that much notice, which I think was the same for the rest of the world.
Thursday, 24 April 2014
Castle Light
Nottingham Castle as the sun was setting. I took it from a local car park, so I was almost at the same height as the castle itself.
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Red And White, But Not Blue
St George's Day today and I popped down to the Old Market Square to see the traditional march from the Forest recreation ground.
As it tends to be the same thing every year, I struggled a bit to find something new to photograph. But thanks to Tracey, a professional photographer (weblink) friend of mine, who let me photograph these two appropriately dressed ladies who she had just taken a picture of.
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
The Dinky Dozen
Today is apparently Earth Day, a celebration of the planet that we all live on. The sad thing is that most people don't think much of it the other 364 days.
Seas are polluted; the rain forests are being cut down at a rate of knots; practically every day flora and fauna are in danger of becoming extinct. Poaching, animal abuse, the list goes on. It makes me so sad. So I was really happy to see this proud mother duck and her 12 little babies learning to swim in the canal, as I cycled by.
I stopped to take some photos, but she must have known, as she got her brood together and swam off in the other direction. So I followed and tried to overtake her, but she stopped and then went the other way. I got this as she headed off to safety.
This entry also celebrates my 2800th post. Phew!
Monday, 21 April 2014
Sweet Dreams
As it was such a sunny day, we popped over to Southwell again to take some more photos of the little photogenic town.
I've seen this old fashioned shop before and knew that I wanted to photograph it today. The only problem was that there was a car parked in front of the building. Fortunately I didn't have to wait long before the owner got in and drove off, so I had the area to myself for a little while.
I stood in various positions as there was a street sign very close to the building, and I wanted to make the building look as vintage as possible. If I was skilled with Photoshop, I would have cloned out the burglar alarm.
Sunday, 20 April 2014
I popped down to the White Lion in Beeston last night, as I read on Facebook that a band would be filming a video and that everyone with cameras and dancing shoes are welcome. Of course I went with my Olympus, but I don't have any dancing shoes, as it's something that I'm just not able to do.
The band are called Formosa and they do some really great cover versions of popular songs. I'd not seen them before, but they were very good, Laura really belted out the numbers, and Phil who played guitar and keyboards; almost at the same time. Simon and Chris added the beat on drums and bass.
I'm always trying to find different ways of taking photos. This one is actually a mirror image, as I saw their reflections in the nearby coffee machine.
Saturday, 19 April 2014
Melissa is a model that we've shot before. A couple of years ago now, but we've not seen her for a good while, as she emigrated to New York to be with her husband and new baby.
She's come back home for a few weeks to catch up with her family and friends. So Gail contacted Melissa and asked her if she fancied doing a bit of modelling and have some photos done of her little boy Jose.
So they both came round in the afternoon and we spent a few hours taking photos of them both, in between nappy changes crying and feeds. And that was just Gail!
Friday, 18 April 2014
A day off from work today as it's a bank holiday, so what better than a drive into the countryside.
It's been lovely and sunny too. I was wondering whether it would be, as it was cold & grey yesterday, and we always tend to get bad whether when it's a public holiday.
We stopped off to take some photos of a field full of rape seed plants. Although the sun had been partially obscured by clouds, the stripes of yellow and contrasting black really show up the undulating field.
Thursday, 17 April 2014
As I work at the other end of the city now, I don't often make it up to the centre library. But I had a reason to today, so while I was there, I thought that I'd go and see how the things are with the new development on the site of the old Odeon cinema.
I have seen it sprout up as I've walked across the Old Market Square, but not got close up in a while. I usually go up to one of the higher floors of the library, but I could tell that I would only see a solid wall, so I went up the alleyway that separates the two building and pointed my camera over the safety fencing and took a few shots.
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Fifty Shades of Blue
As it has been such a lovely sunny evening this evening, Gail suggested that we go out for a drive somewhere to take some photographs and grab a bite to eat.
She also asked for possible places to visit. One of my suggestions was Holme Pierrepont, as neither of us have been there before.
It's just a few miles from us and is also known as the National Water Sports Centre. Where they have canoeing, water skiing and boating on offer. Although things were very quiet whilst we were there.
Here's a shot of the sports centre with the rowing lake reflecting the building in the water.
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
I went to the opening of an exhibition tonight, that's only on for a few days at Waterstone's bookshop on Bridalsmithgate.
The work is very colourful as it's made of stained glass and lit by lights; similar to a Tiffany lamp.
Sadly the artist Simon Leivers couldn't attend as he committed suicide in May 2012. He was only 45. Not that age has anything to do with it. Simon had some mental health issues and decided to end it all by drowning in the River Trent.
The exhibition is called 'Into the Light' and is on between now and Friday (18th). It's well worth seeing, as the pieces are so colourful, as you can see from the photo below. Some leaflets are available from organisations like the Samaritans promoting the good work that they do.
Monday, 14 April 2014
Lunch On The Beeston Express
A lovely eatery in Chilwell called The Flying Goose Cafe held a charity event yesterday to raise funds for the Teenage Cancer Trust.
The were serving very tasty vegetarian breakfasts all day, supplemented by some live background music.
One of the musicians is my pal Dave Mitchell. He was also helping out on the day. Here he is serving some customers on the street, which is still closed for the tramworks, as they are around a year behind schedule.
Apparently the event raised £500 for the charity. Which is good news all round.
Sunday, 13 April 2014
Robin Hoody
No, it's not what it seems. Robin Hood hasn't turned into a vandal. Although I don't think aerosols were around in the outlaw's day, so I think we're safe!
It's actually a scene from a film that a friend of mine is making about the history of Beeston. Matt, who runs and writes the Beestonia blog LINK and Beestonia magazine LINK has written a script about Beeston and filming is currently underway.
I don't know what the finished product is going to be like, but I can expect great nuggets of information, familiar scenes and some surreal humour. Just like with this scene of Robin Hood spraying 'paint' onto a street sign.
Robin Hood is another friend of mine called Tim. He is Nottingham's official Robin Hood and often makes guest appearances at events, promotions and on television. Tim's also a great guy who loves science fiction, the Boar War, prog rock and role playing games.
Saturday, 12 April 2014
Friday, 11 April 2014
Market Day
It's been a cracking sunny day today. The best one of the year so far. So I thought I would take a walk to the market in the Old Market Square.
And boy was it packed with people walking up and down and looking at the things on offer. While I was wandering around, I got to thinking about how would the market look from above, with all the coloured tarpaulin roofs and people milling about.
So I called in at the Council House and asked if I could go up to the balcony to take a shot or two. They said yes, so I popped up and took a few photographs.
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Chef's Special
The big food & gift market has returned to the Old Market Square this week for a few days.
Lots of goodies on offer as usual. Wandering round the stalls and looking for something to photograph, I spotted this laughing chef and couldn't resist taking a shot of him. And with that moustache, he just has to be French.
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
Not a brilliant photo, as there's too much noise, but I couldn't resist showing you this photo of Marmalade asleep that Gail took the other evening.
I mentioned that he was sleeping in such a strange position, so Gail quickly grabbed her camera, but forgot about the settings, as she usually shoots in manual.
So I've tweaked it a little bit in Lightroom, so it looks a little bit like a painting.
Tuesday, 8 April 2014
All Fall Down
Thirty years ago with a flash of purple on white, Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean skated into history with straight 6's at the Winter Olympics in Sarajevo, with their now famous Bolero routine.
History almost repeated itself today as around 100 people turned up in the Old Market Square at lunchtime to recreate the final couple of movements of the ice dance, and without Ravel's music to dance to.
The whole thing was filmed by Notts TV, the counties new television station that starts broadcasting next month.
Amazingly enough, the real Torvill & Dean mage a guest appearance at the very end, with a very bemused look on their faces as they look at all the inert bodies lying on the granite floor.
They are in town for the next couple of days, as they are appearing in Dancing on Ice at the National Ice Centre.
Monday, 7 April 2014
Glowing In The Dark
Felixstowe at night. And a great selection of things to see. The sea, a pier, beach huts, cranes from the docks, all lit up for the world to see.
Sunday, 6 April 2014
Pushing The Boat Out
Day two in Suffolk and another trip down to the beach at Felixstowe.
Whilst walking along the beach taking some photographs this big ship appeared on the horizon.
Looking up the name on the Interweb, the Shoreway is a hopper dredger and was built in 2009.
It seemed to be travelling at some speed, as it headed towards the dock area at Felixstowe, so I had to quickly change the lens I was using, so I could get the whole ship in, as I couldn't really move back any further than I was able.
Saturday, 5 April 2014
Seaside Stripes
We are off to Suffolk today for the weekend. Ipswich in fact. We've not been there before.
It wasn't a bad three hour drive down. Mostly on the motorway.
We arrived at the B&B that we were staying at to drop off our luggage. Then we decided to go to the seaside town of Felixstowe, which is about 10 miles away.
I was pleased to see a sandy beach and lots of different coloured beach huts. One had been painted in many different colours, as you can see.
Friday, 4 April 2014
Many towns across the country have been suffering with constantly dull skies this week. Apparently it has been caused by a sand storm over the Saharan Desert.
Nottingham hasn't escaped. We've not seen the sun at all since about Tuesday lunchtime. The sky has been grey ever since. I haven't even managed to take any photos, and I try to take at least one everyday.
So it's a quick look in the archive, and here's one that I took on Sunday, at Butterley in Derbyshire.
The sun was going down when I took this. I like the reflection of the sunlight on the water as it disappears for the night.
Thursday, 3 April 2014
Local singer Polly Pockett Hallam played a set at the Navigation pub on Saturday night. It's the first time I've seen her, but she had a very good voice and her dad accompanied her on his guitar.
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Leading Lines
Whilst visiting Ripley we stopped off at Butterley Railway Station. Being late on Sunday, it was obviously closed. But it didn't stop me from having a poke around.
There were a row of old carriages not connected to an engine. They just seem to have been left there. So looking for a way of taking them that looked interesting, I went for the good old leading lines and perspective, with a bit of a glow from the sun setting.
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
There Is Nothing Like A Dame
A moderately sized demonstration was on offer today just off the Old Market Square.
This one was against the privatisation of the Probation and Family Court Service. I agree with the demonstrators that it's not something that should be there to make a profit, as they are dealing with people's lives and not some product.
The Government are slowly and quietly selling off the NHS as well, bit by bit. One MP has even suggested that everyone should pay a monthly £10 fee to see a doctor or visit a hospital. The MP has obviously forgotten that most people already pay every month in the form of the National Insurance tax.
The Royal Mail was sold off last year and there has been some criticism that the share price was set too low & that it has doubled in value since then, much to the detriment of the taxpayer.
The statue of Brian Clough looks on, but I'm not sure whether he would agree or disagree.
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