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Friday 27 June 2008

The Balloon's Gone Up!

The Ministry of Defence today unveiled their latest design in the science of camouflage. A spokesperson commented that in today's colourful world of neon signs, techicolour posters and the like, the old style of green camouflage would make the soldier stick out like a sore thumb. He said "this new scheme of red, white and blue is excellent. Any soldier walking through a city centre that's under attack would be invisible to the enemy." "Look, it even works with small boys who are trying to bunk off from school."


  1. I agree, I wouldnt notice. I guess the alternate choice was the kangaroo costume?

  2. those balloons could be bombs! Watch out Nottingham!

  3. Anonymous12:13 pm

    Really! I don't see too many battle fields under neon signs.


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