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Friday 6 June 2008

Driving Back In Time

There's over a hundred years difference between the Range Rover from yesterday & this Humber Olympia Tandem Forecar today. Or is it a shopping basket on wheels? It was probably one of the oldest, and indeed oddest vehicles on display there.


  1. I can see myself being driven around in this. Not sure about the horn in the back of the head though.

  2. Now we are talking...
    I would just love to ride one of them!

  3. that looks cool! i want one :^)

  4. I agree with Richard: the horn at the back of your head...
    The colour makes you go back in time.

  5. How utterly fabulous. Love that you've shown it in sepia.

  6. Hey Gailsman, this is really great stuff, and in sepia too, .Just do me to take DW out in haha.

  7. I have never seen one of those before. Absolutely amazing.

  8. Cool - sepia is very appropriate!


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