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Thursday 26 June 2008

Every Home Should Have One

What could be better than spending some time on a lovely sunny afternoon out walking with your pet dog? Well when it's a seven foot orange kangaroo!

He's obviously well trained, as his owner doesn't need to have him on a lead when walking among the crowds. And the nice man's treated him to a balloon to play with. I wonder if the kangaroo's pouch is big enough for the man to climb in? If so, then they can hop off home together.


  1. Too funny! And dressed to match too.

  2. Very good! I bet the person in the costume was getting warm!

  3. the guy needs to smile like the kangaroo!!

  4. Being Dutch i am a sucker for orange, but this is overdoing it.

    Still, you are my overall winner of this weeks Funny Caption competition. I had some trouble logging into to CDP forum, but will send you a PM asking for the address to send the postcard and overall fabulous prizes too.

  5. me again.

    which name do you use on the forum. Can't seem to find you.


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