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Thursday 10 July 2008

Mystery Object

Here's an interesting piece of metalwork. What do you think it is? An art installation; a mobile phone mast; a satellite dish?

Well the answer is that it is one of the lighting gantries that is used to illuminate the cricket ground at Trent Bridge.


  1. I thought it was some thing to o with lighting. It could be art though. Sort of!

  2. Anonymous10:31 pm

    Once upon a time there was this great and fantastic group of people who blogged and photographed … with a click, click here, a snap, snap there, all of them had a week to look upon the sky … day and night, by dusk or dawn, sunrise or sunset … and always there where great and fantastic photos to be seen when SKY WATCH was opened …

    I am one of those proud sky watchers and I really enjoy each and every one of the photos you show us. I really think you are a first class sky watcher!

  3. Great Goal, er sorry I mean photo Hi my friend hows yer doing

    Great post.

    You will be amazed at my SW.

  4. very clever forreground for a pretty sky.

  5. Interesting photo of the sky for sky watch friday. Thank you for adding to the party with your view of the horizon.

  6. I never would have guessed the correct answer so thanks for telling us!

  7. That's one strange lollipop!

  8. Lolipop. No! Lightening yes, but where I wouldn't have got. Very original

  9. i thought it was a lighting for a baseball field or something...i was close!

  10. Fun! I did guess it was some sort of lighting system. But cricket? Who would have thought!! Mustang Mike


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