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Saturday, 19 July 2008

Numerical Saturday - 1

I've had an idea. I'm not sure if it'll work, but I'm going to give it a go. What, you may be asking? Well I plan to try and take photos of numbers 1 to 100. They may be on signs, advertising posters, shop windows. Anything really that I come across. I'll try not to be too obvious like numbers on front doors. We'll see how it goes. They of course won't be in numerical order, but I'll try and cover all 100 numbers. Does anyone want to join me in this idea?


  1. I'm just wondering where this 5mph limit is - would it be a school perhaps?

    After the numbers game the other month as the them, I'm not counting on joining.

  2. Sounds like a good idea. Dont think I could find any nice photo with numbers. :) Have a nice weekend.

  3. Look forward to seeing all your numbers, ive got a good one for 60, ive got a badge haha.

    Julie says thanks for your kind comments on her painting.


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