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Tuesday 25 March 2008

A Bit Of French Nosh

Tucked away in the Lace Market is this small French restaurant. It looks quite authentic, although I have never been in. I don't know if it makes much money, as you can't park outside & not much traffic passes through that way now that the Lace Market doesn't make lace anymore.


  1. Anonymous10:12 am

    Making money is really the goal I suppose but most who make it also deliver something high class regardless of the surroundings. We have a restaurant in an old bank building (kind of modern looking actually) but the place is packed at meal times and they make a tonne of money.

    Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio

  2. It looks like a quaint little spot for a rest.

  3. Anonymous11:02 pm

    It's name doesn't look very French though!

    I had a serious spot of bother taking my last picture, it was very unpleasant.

  4. Maybe it's a front for some other activity. Maybe I've been watching too many spy and mob movies... :-)

  5. Anonymous10:14 pm

    Looks interesting!
    How do you fancy taking me there for a nice weekend meal?
    Your ever loving wife...G xxxxxxx


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