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Monday 15 December 2008

How To Ruin A Photograph

When you've found a good spot to take a photograph. Got the light right, your model to stand in a good position and smiling nicely. What happens? An ugly great roadsweeper pushing his cart comes along and spoils your shot. Thanks heavens for digital, as it can be deleted, otherwise you've just gone and wasted some of your film.


  1. Oh I *hate* it when this happens. It's usually the best picture opportunity you've seen for a while.


  2. It got you an interesting shot though.

    I had worse recently, filming a short music promo in the Arboretum; early morning, totally repectful and quiet behaviour, park empty. But the park keeper couldn't cope with anything out of the ordinary. (Video on my blog sidebar for anyone interested. The park keeper doesn't appear!)

    I'm glad to have found this blog again. Lost the link for a while. Nice to see shots of the place I live.

  3. and there was me thinking - what a great shot of the cleaner - shame about the woman in the background!

  4. I hope he smiled for the camera!

  5. I like Gerald's comment. He is actively looking at her. I think he's about to scoot her and the camera into his cart. We shal call this one Nottingham Streetlife and it will win a Turner Prize.


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Best wishes from Gailsman and Nottingham Daily Photo.