At all the most fashionable birthday parties they have a special guest. Alas I couldn't invite Paris Hilton, Kate Moss or Victoria Beckham. But I have managed to get Gok Wan. He was so impressed with appearing on this site before Christmas, that he asked if he could make a return visit. Strangely enough I bumped into him in Birmingham on Friday where he was making a promo film for his next television series. And so I have granted his request. Aren't I kind!
A photo a day from the famous East Midlands city, its surroundings, and wherever the photographic journey takes me.
Header Photo

Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Party Piece
At all the most fashionable birthday parties they have a special guest. Alas I couldn't invite Paris Hilton, Kate Moss or Victoria Beckham. But I have managed to get Gok Wan. He was so impressed with appearing on this site before Christmas, that he asked if he could make a return visit. Strangely enough I bumped into him in Birmingham on Friday where he was making a promo film for his next television series. And so I have granted his request. Aren't I kind!
Monday, 30 March 2009
A Big Birthday Candle
Nottingham Daily Photo is now three years old. From those humble beginnings back in 2006, my site has pleasingly turned into something that people seem to like, albeit on a smaller scale than some others around.
In April, I intend to do a small retrospective and compare some photos taken three years ago, with what the subject looks like now. So I hope you'll join me in a spot of time traveling and possibly catch up with some photos you missed the first time round.
Finally I'd like to send my best wishes to all my visitors, past and present and especially to the 31 followers who deem my site worthy of their time and support.
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Plane Crazy
Many museums across Nottinghamshire opened their doors or gates for free today, as part of a scheme called 'The Big Day Out'. Some places we had been to, some didn't really interest us, but I was quite excited when I read that the air museum at Newark was on the list.
It was somewhere I'd quite fancied going to for a while & it was even better as the sun was shining all day. I took quite a number of photos, but I think this Vulcan bomber was the most impressive. The Vulcan was one of the three 'V' bombers from the Cold War of the 1950's. The Victor and Valiant being the other two. They lasted until the early 1970's when newer planes like the Jaguar were introduced.
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Blue On Silver
Here's a typical touristy type photo of Birmingham's Selfridge's building. One that everybody probably knows; even if you've never been to the West Midlands city. I'm still not sure as to whether I like it or not. It's certainly different and unique and has become part of the landscape for the past six years, but will people still view favorably in 50 years time?
Friday, 27 March 2009
I went to Birmingham for the day today. After my mission there, I went for a wander. Naturally I came across the iconic Shelfridges building, and asked myself if there was a different way of shooting it. So I tried taking its reflection in a nearby water feature. I'm not sure whether it's successful or not, as I think there are too many ripples in the water to make it easily identifiable. Maybe tomorrow I'll show you a more cliched view.
Thursday, 26 March 2009
No One's Going To Steal This Bus
SmartWater, is the latest thing in theft prevention. I'm not entirely sure how it works, but it was being publicised in the market square the other day. I was actually more interested in the bus, as it features some unique graphics. I'm sure many a passenger has let this go by their bus stop, as they thought it wasn't a proper bus.
There's a local word that describes a pensioner who tries to board a bus with a pass for free travel before they are allowed to. They are known as 'Twirlies'; as in "Am I too early?"!
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
This is one of those accidental photographs that seem to work out all right in the end. I just took it quickly while the little girl was standing still and in the hope that I could do something with it with Picasa. In the end, I didn't do that much, just increased the contrast and a bit of cropping. My artistic contribution to you this week.
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Blue Room Blues
This is the inside of the room where we had lunch. I like my grub, and so was a bit disappointed to find out all the good stuff had already been wolfed down by the others at the conference I was attending. Seemed their meeting had finished a little bit earlier than mine, and so had got to the more tasty items first.
Still I made up for it in muffins!
Monday, 23 March 2009
The White Men Cometh
I had a day out today to a college near Coventry that belongs to the Prison Service. No, I'm not training to be a warder, but the organisation I work for had hired some rooms for the day.
While we were having lunch, someone called out that there were some strange people walking about outside. As I had my trusty FZ18 with me, I fired off a few shots. Here's one of the results.
The people I take to be trainee scene of crime officers, who were getting used to walking around in their special forensic suits. They did look a bit strange, and wouldn't look out of place in a 1980's pop video.
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Neigh Lad, You Can't Come Home With Us
Whilst on our walk yesterday, Gail & I came across this horse in it's own little paddock. Two boys were feeding it some grass, which it happily took. We stayed for a little while. I took a few photos, and Gail fed it some more grass. It seemed quite lonely as we walked away. You can almost see the sadness in its eyes.
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Gate To Adventure
As it has been a nice afternoon, Gail and I went for a walk around our neighbourhood. She a bit better now, but not back to her old self yet. I took her on a route that she's not been before. Of course I had my camera with me, just in case something interesting appeared. I took a few, and thought you might like to see this garden gate, slowly disappearing under a growth of vegetation.
Friday, 20 March 2009
Friday Skywatch

I wasn't planning a skywatch this week, but driving home tonight I looked up and saw this wonderful orange sky. So I parked up in my local multi-storey car park and headed for the top floor. I took several pictures from various points & thought this one looked the best. Tried it in 16:9 instead of the usual 3:4. What looks like a castle, is in fact our local church.
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Not Quite Windowbox Gardening
This week some workmen have been clearing weeds, ivy and dead plants from the castle rock. So what, you might ask? Well it's not everyday you have to put on a safety harness to use a trowel or a pair of secateurs. But that's exactly what these guys had to do. I enjoy gardening, but I don't think I'd go to those extremes.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Are Those Irish Eyes Smiling?
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Green And Black
As most of you will know, today is St Patrick's Day, the patron saint of Ireland. There's going to be a big parade in the market square today, so I'm hoping to get some good shots of the people and what's being staged. As a flavour, here's one I took last year.
The black of my title naturally refers to Guinness, an alcoholic beverage that will be flowing freely all day long. I tried it once and found it a rather bitter and unpleasant drink, similar to vinegar.
Monday, 16 March 2009
Wood You Believe It
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Two Little Boys
As it has been a sunny day today, Gail and I went for a walk around Wollaton Park. Gail wanted to take some photos of me, so I sat on a nearby wall and posed for her. While we were doing this, these two boys came and sat opposite. Gail got talking to them, and took a couple of pictures. Their names were Oliver and Patrick, and must be best friends. They stayed for a while and then ran off to play elsewhere, but not before I got a candid shot of them.
Saturday, 14 March 2009
Put Your Back Into It Lad!
Dudley was my destination this week. Gail came with me this time, as she's not too well at the moment, and I thought the break would do her good. While I was working, she had a walk around a nearby shopping centre. She didn't buy anything, which makes a change!
We both went the following day & I discovered this scene called "The Legger". It commentates the hard work that the men of the canal did for the area and the country. It was designed and made by Ken Howell, a local artist from the West Midlands.
Friday, 13 March 2009
Golden Nights
Thursday, 12 March 2009
There's Gold In Them There Skies
I've been on my travels again & so late in posting my Skywatch Friday photo. I took this on Tuesday evening while Gail was acting as my chauffeur. I took several during my trip home, but I think this one looked the best.
It's taken just after leaving Canning Circus and heading down Derby Road. We are just coming up on the left to one of the entrances to the private Park estate.
For more Thursday & Friday skies, click on the Skywatch Friday name.
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Reading Between The Lions
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
A Serious Role
Locally born actress Samantha Morton made a special appearance yesterday in the Market Square. She made a very impassioned speech in support of local council workers who are facing redundancy due to severe budget cuts in services.
Samantha's early life was spent in local children's homes, and this is one of the frontline services that will be affected, together with day care centres, libraries and tourist attractions.
But the publicity did no good, as the leaders of the council passed the plans, so around 350 people will lose their jobs and any vacancies won't be filled.
Monday, 9 March 2009
Banana Fritter
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Blonde Ambition
Besides taking photos of bananas and monkeys on Saturday, I tried snapping a few of the more interesting looking people in the crowd. This young lady is one of the promotions girls from Radio Trent who were involved in the event, together with the two personalities from yesterday.
I don't think she would look out of place in Monte Carlo, especially with those ear rings, and is the sort of female that Jilly sometimes snaps.
Saturday, 7 March 2009
The World's Gone Bananas
This morning, Beeston went bananas. Not literally, but an event was held to publicise Fairtrade goods, especially everyone's favourite white fruit. I took part in what the organisers hope would be a record for the biggest number of people eating a banana at the same time.
Today's photo is of two local radio personalities starting the record breaking with the help of 'Funky Monkey' and 'Bananaman'. I'll let you know if we have won the challenge.
While I was in the Square, I bumped into one of my fellow photographic pals Phil. He was there taking photos as well. He suggested taking a break at a local cafe. It was almost full, but there was a couple of seats free at a table. We sat down & got talking to an elderly couple opposite. The husband was interested in my camera, and said that he took a lot of slides and did shows for charity. More on this can be found at Phil's amusing blog site.
Friday, 6 March 2009
R.I.P. (Record Shops In Peril)
A death was announced this week that shocked a lot of local people. Not the passing of a popular person, but a well loved independent record shop that has been part of Nottingham's cultural history for 40 years. What started off as a simple market stall, has turned into a pilgrimage for music fans. The shop sells popular artists alongside the more obscure acts, and all genre's in between.
It will be sorely missed when the doors finally close at the end of the month, or earlier, if all the stock goes. Nottingham used to have quite a thriving number of record stores, but all that remains now is HMV.
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
It's Not My Name
Yesterday the owners of the London Eye successfully stopped our big wheel from being called the Nottingham Eye. They said that it would damage the reputation of the capital's latest tourist attraction. Locals have come up with alternative names for it, and some not too flattering. But it seems like it's going to be called the Nottingham Wheel from now on.
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Dog Gone
Here's one of those shots where you look at it and wonder if its any good and worth keeping. This little dog was tied up to a seat, while her owner was in a nearby shop. It was a very friendly pooch and insisted on rolling on her back so I could tickle her tummy, while all I wanted to do was take a photo of her.
Monday, 2 March 2009
Time Passages
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Negative Equity
It's been quite a sunny day today. Hopefully the first of many this year. So Gail and I went on our bikes to a local park, which is next to the university. Poor Gail struggled a bit, as she's not been on her bike for nearly a year. I on the otherhand, use it almost everyday, as I cycle to work. So while my wifey was getting her breath back, I took a few photos of one of the main university buildings. As the sun was going down, the building was getting into shadow, so a bit of tweaking in my digital darkroom finished the job off and added a 1940's style boarder.
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