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Thursday, 19 March 2009

Not Quite Windowbox Gardening

This week some workmen have been clearing weeds, ivy and dead plants from the castle rock. So what, you might ask? Well it's not everyday you have to put on a safety harness to use a trowel or a pair of secateurs. But that's exactly what these guys had to do. I enjoy gardening, but I don't think I'd go to those extremes.


  1. I dont like gardening and dont like heights - so not for me thanks.lol.
    Tis a great photo tho.
    Dont mind heights if inside.

  2. Hmmm - think I might have to venture out to the outdoor equipment shop before my next foray into the backyard!

  3. Anonymous3:26 am

    Don't you just love British health and safety laws?

    I am surprised the arrow hasn't been removed from the statue of Robin Hood in front of the castle because it presents a danger to passers by.

    Mind you on second thoughts its always being stolen anyway!


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