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Saturday, 18 February 2012

House With A History

This is Newdigate House on Castle Gate. It was built in the late 17th century and is presently a very posh restaurant called World Service. But in the 1700's it was used as a prison. The prisoner was a Marshal Tallard who was defeated during one of the many wars with the French. He was housed there and became a model prisoner. He is best remembered for introducing celery into the country and teaching people how to grow roses.


  1. Great lighting - which catches the eye for the shot, Knowing you my friend - you would go for the perfect shot - which looks good - like sepia.
    Slight dislike are the 2 lights near the bottom right corner - otherwise 1st class.

    unlike the word verification which took me 4 goes at it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Stewart, by the magic of iPhoto, the lights have now disappeared.

    I don't like the new word verification process either. So I bet, does nobody else

  4. Christopher 100% better shot now - its a beaut.
    Ive taken off word V and changed to comments on only 2 days posts, this way I can check if any spam come, as they mostly go on posts way back in time.


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