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Thursday, 23 February 2012

Springing Into Action

Well, what a scorcher today. I couldn't believe how warm and sunny it was. And we're still in February. I wondered whether to go out without my coat at lunchtime. But decided to stay safe, and keep it on, but go without my jumper instead. There were quite a few people out in shirtsleeves etc. I don't know how long it will last though.

My walk today took me to the lace market area. And while I was walking through the grounds of St Mary's Church, I stumbled upon, to misquote Wordsworth, a host of golden crocuses. And a few purple ones too. So I just had to take a few photos from different angles, and trying not to tread on the soil or nearby gravestone.

I hope the good weather continues for as long as possible. Although the doom-mungers are worried about a drought this summer. Just hope it doesn't hit ice cream and real ale production.

1 comment:

  1. Too true - about the weather yesterday, I had to take off my jumper and carry it as I had my winter coat on, phew.
    Not yet downloaded my pics from Southwell yet.
    As for your terrific shot Christopher, its a beaut my friend.

    Spring yippee. (we hope).


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