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Monday, 24 December 2007

By The White Of The Shiny Mountain

Another town that we visited was Montreux. Which is probably most famous as a subject for the Deep Purple song; "Smoke on the Water". Which tells the story of a hotel that caught fire, which they were going to do a concert in. It's also well known for it's annual jazz festival. Here are two views of the Montreux Palace Hotel, which looks a very nice, but very expensive place to stay.


  1. Je te souhaite un JOYEUX NOEL et te propose de venir chanter Noel sur mon DP BLOG D'EVRY. Bonnes Fêtes.

    I wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS and invites you to come sing on my DP Noel D'EVRY BLOG. Happy Holidays.

  2. I wish we had snow here for Christmas!

    Thanks for your visits to Cheltenham. I'm off until 1st Jan so Merry Christmas to you and Gail! Hope you both have a good time!

  3. wishing you and your family the love, blessings, and warmest cheers of the holidays. mErRy ChRiStMaS!!!

    i heart manila

  4. Anonymous5:08 pm

    Lovely photos as usual. Merry Christmas to you and Gail!

  5. Warm wishes to you and yours for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


  6. Looks a great place Gails man.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family.

    Also thanks for visiting my blog and your comments since ive been blogging.

  7. What a fantastic view.

  8. hmmm! i would love to stay at palace hotel one of these days.

  9. Hey, Gails_man! I hope you enjoyed your visit to Geneva more than I did :D

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Best wishes from Gailsman and Nottingham Daily Photo.