It's the First of the month and it's theme day, the topic being bridges.
This photo shows all that is left of the viaduct that carried trains along the London, Midland, Scottish line. which closed during the Beeching cuts of the 1960's. The rest has been knocked down over years, as new structures appear across the city. This is likely to be demolished in the next year or so. I have also shown you other parts of this area, which is known as Narrow Marsh a few weeks ago.
Here are the links to the other sites that are participating:
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great post - not sure the Americans will know who Dr. Beeching was - he started the rot methinks.
ReplyDeleteNice post.I think its a great shame that traces of Englands engineering era are being destroyed. :(
ReplyDeleteWhat a shame it will be knocked down. Those old viaducts and branch lines make fabulous cycle paths. (I used to ride the one from Wimborne Minster to pool when I lived there).
ReplyDeleteAnd now instead of perfectly serviceable goods traffic routes we have huge belching motorways!
They are closing Sydney harbour as a workign port - almost over, and continuing to expand port Botany. Given the roads and motorways are already clogged I hope that the old port Botany goods train line is upgraded.
A while ago I showed the old inner west one thru Glebe, which is now a light rail (tram) corridor, so some good things happen.
You can see some bridge climbers on my SDP Extras page dedicated to SHB - there's a link on today's bridge entry :-)
Hey! You know what! If you look carefully at that pic of mine, you can see at least 4 groups of bridge climbers. it's just like kangaroos often look like tree stumps, bridge climbers are like grey ants on the grey structure :-)
ReplyDeleteNice photo. No I don't know the people you mentioned.
ReplyDeleteI do like the photo.
I wanted to describe the White Porcelain Duck I photographed this morning. I did put a picture of it on my Birds Blog as it is a new species I think.
Its a shame all these old building works are being knocked down, BUT I guess you cant stand in the way of progress, weather we think it progress or not is a matter of difference.
ReplyDeleteGreat shot anyway Gails man.
Check out my Symmetrical Post
I don't know who the good Dr. is but I like the bridge to nowhere!
ReplyDeleteanother demolition project!?!?!?