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Thursday 21 May 2009

Galloping High

I've not participated in Skywatch Friday for a while, but as we've been having quite changeable weather recently, there's been some very dramatic cloud formations.

Here's one such formation, that to me looks like several horses flying through the sky. Maybe it's my imagination, or the way I view things. Those blobs of ink pictures that look like butterflies are similar.

For further photos of skies from around the world click here. But you'll have to take them from the comments box, as the link isn't working properly at the moment.


  1. Anonymous10:32 pm

    I see stampeding cattle or antelope-type animals in these clouds. Probably says something about my mental state...

    Thanks for another interesting image though... and congratulations on breaking the 1000 barrier.

  2. I have to say I can't see anything equine but they are very dramatic.

  3. I see horses. Great sky watch!

  4. Yes, the horses are there. What a great shot

  5. very interesting. i see it too. but i think 'galloping' was a good trigger word.

  6. Great capture, there are horses.

  7. Great shot, I see your horses.

    British skies have indeed been quite interesting just lately.

  8. That bottom one is definitely a cave painting gigi (did I really type gigi or should that be gee gee?) So it's your fault linky is playing up particpating this week. Lord of the Rings riders. Is this a Rorshach( bad spelling ) test. I am tormented remember.

  9. Horses, indeed! Very unusual clouds - so dark, yet almost more like a puff of smoke than a cloud.


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