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Friday 15 May 2009

Red, Blue, Yellow, Green And All Shades In Between

Many British politicians have been in the news lately and for all the wrong reasons. It seems that quite a few of them have allegedly been fiddling their expenses, and not just a few pounds here and there, but hundreds if not thousands and over several years.

A former MP was in Nottingham yesterday signing copies of his latest book; his autobiography entitled "A Fortunate Life". His name is Paddy Ashdown & some people may remember that 10 years ago he used to be the leader of the Liberal Democrats. He was knighted in 2000 and has had many roles in his life from being a military man, a diplomat to working for MI6.


  1. And its people like these government people that want to clamp down on the ordinary people who fiddle????????????????????????.
    Whats good for one is good for all.

  2. Thought I recognised that face in the portal. Nice portrait. Too right about the politicians!

  3. I always liked Paddy Pantsdown, he was one of the good ones.

  4. Be ugger Marley beat me too it. Now I wish the other half had been cartooning then. You do have you more than your fair share of slebs.


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