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Sunday 24 May 2009

Staring Out The Window With A Smile On Our Face

Gail and I were amazed today, as the sun shone all day long, very little wind and no clouds in the sky. Can this still be England? So after looking at some cars, eating at Pizza Hut we went for a stroll along the canal. There were quite a few narrow boats that had been tied up. Passing one, I couldn't resist taking a photo of these two dolls looking out of the cabin window. Some of you may recognise them, as Rosie and Jim. They were from a popular TV puppet show of the late 1980's and lived on a narrow boat called the Ragdoll. They got into a few scrapes, but always ended the show with a song.


  1. Rosie and Jim! Thats a blast from the past!

  2. My word, thats a capture if anything is

  3. How cute. There's something fascinating about dolls and puppets. Love the colours here and the composition.


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