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Sunday 17 May 2009

Strawberry Cheesecake Forever

Gail and I were late coming back home after visiting her mum, who lives in the north of the county. So instead of utilising my cooking skills, we decided to stop off at a local pub we often visit called the Priory, who do a very nice carvery. A choice of 3 meats and all the veg you can eat.

The pub was recently redecorated. Before all the walls were covered in photos and pictures of every size and description, together with loads of Toby jugs, china figures and other miscellaneous bric-a-brac. They have ruthlessly trimmed these down, so you can now actually see the wallpaper. Some new pictures have gone up. including this homage to the Beatles.


  1. Looks interesting - just where is this pub GM

  2. Looks nice inside. Too much bric-a-brac makes me nervous.


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