This hefty looking beast is an old American army truck that is a mobile radar unit, and was part of the display at Wollaton Park. Due to its size, I don't think you'd get too many miles to the gallon.
A photo a day from the famous East Midlands city, its surroundings, and wherever the photographic journey takes me.
Header Photo

Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Radar Love
This hefty looking beast is an old American army truck that is a mobile radar unit, and was part of the display at Wollaton Park. Due to its size, I don't think you'd get too many miles to the gallon.
Monday, 29 June 2009
Hot Air And Wind
Due to the recent cuts in the military budget, the RAF can no longer afford to fly fighters and bombers any more, so at Wollaton Park last weekend, the boys in blue arranged a demonstration of their new aircraft. It is silent, and can fly below the radar line. It can be used as either a bomber and fighter, and the crew can number between one and four.
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Charge Of The Light Brigade
Today I went to Wollaton Park, as this weekend has been commemorating our armed forces which was previously known as veteran's weekend. There were alsorts of things to look at, and of course photograph.
I went last year and quite enjoyed it. You may remember the photos I blogged. If not, why not go back in time and have a look. I didn't see these cavalry horses last year, so it was something new. Although I'm not really an equine fan.
I'd like to dedicate this entry to our blogging friend in Iran. I tried to register my interest, but had problems logging on, so alas not that many people will get to see it. So if you have read this, perhaps you could spread the word around our community.
Saturday, 27 June 2009
A Comic Turn Of Page
I have been a fan of the comic writings of PG Wodehouse for many years now, and probably just about read them all. I would say that Summer Lightening is my favourite and very funny. So I was quite delighted to see this display of some of his various novels on sale in the city's Oxfam shop. I didn't buy any, as I have far too many books as it is, together with records, videos and magazines. Gail often moans at me, and sometimes I have to smuggle some in. But please don't let on to her!
Friday, 26 June 2009
Postal Order
Another demonstration today. The Old Market Square is getting quite the place for demos. Not quite Tienanmen Square, although there was a tank there the other year. Today's protest was about the proposed privatisation of the Royal Mail. So many post offices have closed over the last few years. This has had a devastating effect on some communities, as not only did people buy the usual stamps etc, but they also doubled as a grocery store and a meeting place. Another little bit of England gone forever.
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Working Too Hard
There was another demonstration in the Market Square yesterday. This time about overworked social workers who are possibly putting lives in danger due to the number of caseloads that they have to deal with.
I'm not sure whether it is a national problem, or just one that Nottingham City Council have, due to the overall staffing issues that they have created by cutting budgets.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
We Are Not Alone
I have been a bit busy the last couple of days, so have not had the time to blog, although I have created the entries. So please read back.
As you may remember, Gail and I saw 4 UFOs in the sky over Beeston on Saturday night. Not helicopters or planes, as they were hovering too close together and no noise. I managed to take a couple of poor quality images before my camera stopped working. I don't know why, as the battery was fully charged and plenty of space on the memory card. I haven't had any real problems with the FZ18 since I got it. I can only assume that some sort of jamming device had been activated so my camera wouldn't take any pictures. Wonder if the same problem would of occurred with a manual film camera? Anyway I am showing you the closer photo for what its worth. You may think its a car headlight, a torch or something created in Photoshop, but I can honestly say to you that it really happened.
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Another Sort Of Bond
I visited Birmingham again on Monday. Bit of a dull day, which was a shame as there was a bit food fair on and I might have gotten some colourful shots of foods from across the world. But you guessed it, when I was on the train back home, the sun came out. It's always the way. I took quite a few pictures from the speeding train. I thought perhaps this one was the best. An old trackside warehouse near Burton Upon Trent.
Monday, 22 June 2009
Smoking Like A Chimney
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Punk As F * * *
Last night Gail and I went to the theatre again. This time we saw a play called Garage Band. It's by a local writer called Andy Barrett. I have been in a few of his community plays which he does with Julian Hanby.
Garage Band is about these four middle aged people from this English village who try to recapture their youth by starting a punk rock band as a hobby. But things take off and they go on tour, have a Facebook page and upload videos onto YouTube. The actors also had to play instruments and sing and so as it was the last night gave an impromptu concert at the end, which a lot of it I managed to film. Andy was there too in the audience.
Then when we got back home we saw 4 UFOs in the sky over Beeston.
Saturday, 20 June 2009
I'm No Twit To Who
I went to a summer fair at a local school this afternoon. Quite a lot of things to do for the kids and the adults were kept amused with a car boot sale, but the one thing that kept everyone entertained was a collection of owls that were on display and who you could stroke for a small donation.
So I had to take a photo or two. I tried to take a full face one, but he just wouldn't sit still. Probably too interested in looking at his audience. So a profile one will have to do. Anyway you can get a good view of his sharp beak and razor claws
Friday, 19 June 2009
Someday My Prince Will Come
How many girls are prepared to kiss a frog to get their ideal man? I know it's a fairy story, but as an allegory it's probable. There's a tendency for females to be quite superficial these days; only wanting good looking men with a thick wallet, designer clothes and a sports car. But there is a price to pay. Whereas the girl who scratches the surface of the more ordinary looking bloke will probably find a more caring, honest and faithful person. One that they would like to spend their life with. I know Gail did that with me.
And so ends today's lesson of life.
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Takes Your Breath Away
Garlic; everyone agrees that it is very good for your health, but not so for one's love life. Why does it have to be so pungent? Onions are bad enough, but garlic. A real toe curler!
Don't get me wrong. I like it in pastas, curries and the like, but it does have a certain aroma. I feel sorry for dentists. Fancy having to check someones teeth while they are breathing fumes all over you.
Taken at a recent world market event in the Old Market Square.
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
War Of The Words
Today I went along to the former Virgin record store, to see Jeff Wayne & Jennifer Ellison, who were there to sign new versions of the classic War Of The Worlds musical, which is now 30 years old. They were in town as the stage version was being put on at the Ice Arena.
I thought about going, but the tickets are £50, which personally I think is too much. I did look on Ebay to see if there were any bargains going. One fool put the end day of his auction as today. Obviously no one had made a bid, as getting the tickets would be almost impossible, due to where they were.
There was quite a queue of people waiting to meet them both. Most seemed more interested in Jeff than Jennifer, as you can see from her rather bored expression.
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
This Would Be Easy For 007 To Save
I don't know how many of you have seen the James Bond film of the same name? It's the one where Bond played by Roger Moore has to fly out into space to save the Earth from a madman? Why are all baddies millionaires? Does that mean then that the likes of Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg and others are secretly planning to take over the world?
Monday, 15 June 2009
Can Function Be Art?
Sunday, 14 June 2009
All Or Nothing
Last night Gail and I went to see a show at the Theatre Royal. It was called Mod Crop, and was a story of a group of lads and their adventures as a mod in the mid 1960's. It was a musical, and every so often they would break into song and sing some well known tune from the era, whether it was by The Who, The Small Faces, or some Motown classic. Dave Berry made a special appearance and sang his number one hit The Crying Game.
The clothes looked authentic and some real Lambretta scooters were used throughout the show. We both enjoyed it, as unfortunately were were too young to enjoy the era in reality. Although photography is banned in the theatre, I took a number of shots at the end when the cast were getting a standing ovation.
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Music To Grow Veggies By

There has been a lot of music and poetry in Beeston Square today, as the Beeston in Transition group were publicising their good works. The group, which is one of many across the country aims to raise awareness on local environmental issues and increasing community spirit and a sharing of skills.
I took quite a few photos, but decided to do a montage of these folk singers and musicians. Very good they were too. Quite a good audience watched and listened to them. Perhaps more people might have stayed for longer if some seats had been provided.
Friday, 12 June 2009
It's Cheese Jim, But Not As We Know It
Here's another view of the International House building. From this angle it looks like a slab of cheese, a doorstop or a skip. It's a very revolutionary design and looks ok on this new site, but would look very out of place on the main campus where the iconic Trent building is, with its clock tower and likeside view.
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Pointing Red To The Sky
Thursday again and another Skywatch. Today's photo is of one of the new buildings on the Jubilee Campus that is part of the University of Nottingham. It is called the International House and was built in 2007. It compliments the yellow & green building over at Highfields, which I have put up before.
Work is presently going ahead for a blue one.
To look at 335 other skies from around the world, click on this little link.
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
You Need Hands
This is a sculpture outside the new treatment centre at the QMC hospital. It only opened a few months ago. It's more like an art gallery inside. All open plan, colour co-ordinated seating and fancy artwork on the walls. I took a photo of it for my Bluesday Tuesday series last year when it was being finished off. I don't know who the creator of this is, but I think it's quite interesting to look at.
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Into The Light
Seem to have come to a bit of an impasse again with finding new subjects for your delectation. The return of the poor weather is hampering things a bit. So here's one I prepared earlier. A bit arty this one. The original wasn't that brilliant. But it's amazing what you can do with Picasa, if you keep twiddling.
Monday, 8 June 2009
Pickled Photos
A lot of the degree students of photography at Trent University are showing their work at various locations across the city. I popped into a former toyshop today to look at some of the projects. I wasn't that impressed with various pictures. I've seen better on some CDP sites, but this installation took my eye. Twenty photos stuck inside Kilner jars. An unusual display, but probably not the best way of showing off your family snaps.
Sunday, 7 June 2009
Cat On A Hot Tin Bonnet
Last Sunday, Gail and I went to the yearly motor show at Wollaton Park. A lovely sunny day, quite the opposite of today, as it rained all day long. Lots of wonderful classic cars to take photos of. But rather than show you an actual vehicle, I thought I'd show you the emblem of a Jaguar car. Classic British motoring history. The famous E Type, or the model inspector Morse used to drive.
Saturday, 6 June 2009
Ghost In The Machine
Wondering whether I should post another photo of Clifton Hall, I looked through some more photos that I had taken and thought this one of the church opposite reflected in in window would do.
Looking closely at it, I noticed a white shape in the top right hand side pane. It is probably something either in the room, or something on the church, but to me it looks like a skull or ghostly face. I can honestly say that I haven't doctored this photo at all, other than improving the sharpness & contrast. I took 10 photos altogether & this mysterious shape appears on 8 of them, even though I was standing in the same spot. Strange eh?
Friday, 5 June 2009
Things That Go Bump In The Night - Epilogue
My final photograph from Clifton Hall is of one of the lions that guards the pathway to the rear of the house. You would have seen a photo of them on the estate agents' website. But they just showed their rears & not their faces. So here's what they look like. Not sure why they are asleep. Maybe they are like Bagpuss and only wake up when something exciting happens!
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Things That Go Bump In The Night - Episode Four
Returning home, I couldn't wait to get on the Net and find out all I could about Clifton Hall. Typing the name into Google, bought up all sorts of interesting stories.
It starts in the 1600's when the hall was built for the lord of the manor. It stayed in the Clifton family until the 1950's when it was sold and turned into a school for girls. Some stories say that it was very much like the one in the St Trinian's films. It remained as a school until 1976 when it was sold to Trent University as an office. They remained there until 1996 when it was sold to a developer who turned it into two apartments.
Now comes the interesting part. At long last I hear you cry! A man by the name of Rashid purchased the hall in early 2007 for £3.6m. Almost as soon as he and his family moved in they reported strange voices, noises and even drops of blood on their baby's blanket. They invited a local ghostbusting society in, but they couldn't get rid of the alleged ghostly activity. So after eight months, the Rashids left their stately home. They then stopped paying the mortgage & the house was repossessed (apt word) by the bank.
Some people have suggested that the ghosts was a ruse to get out of paying for the house, due to their financial difficulties. It is now on the market for £2.75m. If anyone has some spare change down the back of their sofa and fancies buying it, then you can view the estate agents' brochure here.
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Things That Go Bump In The Night - Episode Three
We were both happy that we had found the place, but were quite shocked to find that it was deserted and somewhat neglected. Overgrown lawns and weeds sprouting all over the driveway. Why was it empty? This fantastic looking mansion, probably worth millions, just empty. There were warnings all over that trespassers would be shot. No only kidding, they would just be arrested! I didn't venture too far onto the private land, as I thought some rabid Alsatian dog would appear from nowhere and eat me alive.
We found out that the building was called Clifton Hall. And so further investigation would need to take place through the Internet. No, don't go and do it yourself, otherwise it'll spoil the suspense. So we took a few more photos, and headed home, baffled by why the hall lay empty.
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Things That Go Bump In The Night - Episode Two
Gail wondered where this mysterious building could be. I said that as it was on the otherside of the canal, we would have to go over the A52 and head off down the A453 towards the airport. We passed a sign that said Nottingham Trent University's Clifton site. Gail wondered if it could be one of the buildings there. So we had a slow cruise around the campus, but to no avail. Back down the A453, we saw a sign pointing to Clifton village. Worth a look we thought. Driving down the little lanes, we finally found our objective.
Monday, 1 June 2009
Things That Go Bump In The Night - Episode One
As it was a lovely sunny afternoon on Saturday, Gail and I decided to go for a walk along the canal. It's always nice down there watching the narrowboats chugging along, or their owners pottering about on them, or just seeing other people walking by. Gail decided to bring her camera along and took a few pictures. Some of me larking about.
Whilst looking at the view, Gail pointed to a large building on the horizon and asked what and where it was. I said that I didn't know, but as it was big it looked like an old people's home or a hotel.
So we got back in the car and went on an adventure to see if we could find it.
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