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Thursday, 25 June 2009

Working Too Hard

There was another demonstration in the Market Square yesterday. This time about overworked social workers who are possibly putting lives in danger due to the number of caseloads that they have to deal with.
I'm not sure whether it is a national problem, or just one that Nottingham City Council have, due to the overall staffing issues that they have created by cutting budgets.


  1. Staff shortages , particularly in LGovt., are not just confined to Nottingham I,m sure.

  2. No -- they are all over the UK too.

    Our local paper says UFO sightings
    last Saturday of Orange lights. in the sky!!!

  3. Very topical re the news today. Makes me angry that the money that is badly needed goes to other undeserving causes. I will get off my soapbox now.


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