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Friday, 19 June 2009

Someday My Prince Will Come

How many girls are prepared to kiss a frog to get their ideal man? I know it's a fairy story, but as an allegory it's probable. There's a tendency for females to be quite superficial these days; only wanting good looking men with a thick wallet, designer clothes and a sports car. But there is a price to pay. Whereas the girl who scratches the surface of the more ordinary looking bloke will probably find a more caring, honest and faithful person. One that they would like to spend their life with. I know Gail did that with me.

And so ends today's lesson of life.


  1. On the other hand, "How many guys are prepared to kiss a frog to get their ideal woman?" Looking at this enticing frog, I would! Like you, my wife did pick me who is less than an ordinary looking bloke, ugly as ugly can be and she is beauty queen, a princess of a gem. We have been married 42 years. See?

  2. You ol romantic you GM.

  3. You big softie, but alas it is true. I will get slammed for this but one reason I'm not a fan of my own fair sex is most woman are so shallow. Gary, perpetually skint, overweight, hair going bye bye pain in the a.. but wouldn't have him any other way.


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Best wishes from Gailsman and Nottingham Daily Photo.