Of course I tuned the cold water tap on. Very gently though, I didn't want to scare our sweet little pet. I had seen her drink the water from our pond many times and from some buckets in the garden. But for some strange reason, she won't drink fresh water from a clean bowl. Gail & I wandered if the various chemicals they put in water was putting her off. But as you can see from my snap, she was quite happy to sup the water from the tap. Practically lapping it up you might say!
A photo a day from the famous East Midlands city, its surroundings, and wherever the photographic journey takes me.
Header Photo

Monday, 30 November 2009
Oi, I'm Thirsty!
Of course I tuned the cold water tap on. Very gently though, I didn't want to scare our sweet little pet. I had seen her drink the water from our pond many times and from some buckets in the garden. But for some strange reason, she won't drink fresh water from a clean bowl. Gail & I wandered if the various chemicals they put in water was putting her off. But as you can see from my snap, she was quite happy to sup the water from the tap. Practically lapping it up you might say!
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Marmalade The Explorer
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Lighting Up For Christmas
The lights in Beeston were officially switched on tonight. It was left to the Mayor to do it, as unfortunately our council haven't the funds to splash out on any big names to press the button. We do have two Christmas trees though, one at each end of the High Road. I've just used a bit of creative blur to make the one in Broadgate Park a bit more interesting.
Friday, 27 November 2009
Dancing In The Dark
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Last night I had my first go at being a fashion photographer. Several of the designer clothes shops under the Council House put on a fashion show in the arcade to basically drum up some Christmas trade. They used a number of students from Trent University, who were really quite good. Walking up and down on a rather long red carpet. I took loads of photos. Some successful, some not so. Here's one of the better ones. Although sadly I don't think it would make the front page of Vogue. You will find a lot more on my Flickr page.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Citizen Lindsay
Today I met the well known and adored actor Robert Lindsay. A local lad, as he was born in Ilkeston, a small town about 10 miles from Nottingham. He was signing copies of his autobiography at Waterstones. He has done lots of TV and film since the early 1970's. His most well known part was that of Citizen 'Wolfie' Smith, the leader of the Tooting Popular Front, a rather ramshackle group of misfits who's aim was to change the world, but never really left the pub. But he has done many things since then. His latest is Ben Harper the put upon dentist in My Family. Here's a link to his website, so you can read more about him.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Brolly Good Show
Monday, 23 November 2009
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Pampering The Pampas
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Hanging Around
Friday, 20 November 2009
Painting The Town Red
A number of Government ministers, including Gordon Brown himself were in Nottingham today, to try and improve their party's popularity. I of course went to the Albert Hall at lunchtime to see what was happening. I was just in time to see G.B arrive & go in. I took a number of shots, but it was difficult, due to the road being sealed off, Police and secret service types swarming all over the place and journalists blocking my view. This was about the best one I could get. I was disappointed that there wasn't a demonstration taking place with yells of "Gordon is a Moron" or similar, as that would have been quite amusing.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
On The Move
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
It's Christmas...
So yelled Noddy Holder at the end of Slade's most famous song that has been trotted out at this time every year for the past 30 odd years. The connection; well Nottingham's lights were officially switched on tonight. There were so many people in the market square that I didn't manage to get close enough to take a decent photo of Carl Froch & Sven Goran Eriksson as they pressed the button. So unfortunately you'll just have to make do with this arty shot of the shadow of the tree on the Council House
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Oi You Two!
Whilst at work this morning, Nicky who sits opposite me glanced out of the window which looks out onto a multi-storey car park, and wondered who these two people were and what they were staring at. So I got out my camera and trusty 45-200mm lens and took some shots. The two lads then started waving at us. we of course waved back. Later in the afternoon, they came back to their car, and before they left, gave us another wave.
You may have noticed that I have put on a new header picture. It's dedicated to my friend Imac, who with some other bloggers have set themselves a little competition. Follow the link and vote.
Monday, 16 November 2009
Sign Of The Times
Nottingham's newest cultural centre and tourist attraction has now opened. Ironically when I went today, I found that the gallery was closed. So I'll have to go tomorrow to look at the David Hockney exhibition and see what the building looks like in the inside, as the outside still looks like a something that was built in the Eastern Bloc during the 1950s. This sign on the otherhand, reminds me of 1950s America, advertising a diner or motel.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Not That Long Ago

Besides doing some decorating, I have been scanning some of old negatives to put on my Flickr page. Having not taken any photos today. I didn't want cream paint on my lovely black G1, I am showing you one of these negatives. It's of the Trent University building that I took sometime in the 1980s. I can't exactly tell you when. But what I can say is that if you were to take the same shot today, the area would look just about the same. The only big difference is the road layout.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Water Result
Well, the storm over Nottingham didn't appear to be as bad as the weathermen predicted. Maybe they like to hype things up to make them more dramatic. Today has been cool, but fairly dry. Didn't manage to take any photos today, so here's a weather related picture. I did buy a new tripod today though, as I'm getting into taking photos at night. There are some on Flickr, if you fancy taking a look.
Friday, 13 November 2009
Skywatch Friday
I've missed the last few SWF's, so to make up for it, here's a photo I took a few days ago. Great sunset, unlike yesterday and today, when it just rained and rained. Apparently the UK is going to be hit by a giant storm tomorrow. So batten down those hatches and take cover; the wind's a blowin!
For 300+ other skies from around the world, click here.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Think Yourself British
As I promised yesterday, here's the photo of Al Murray signing his latest book at Waterstones today. By the length of the queue waiting to meet him, he is more popular than yesterday's Simon King. Although they both follow different entertainment paths and attract different age groups. For those that don't know his work and style, here's a clip from Youtube. Please be warned that you may not appreciate his style of comedy or what he is saying, but his 'pub landlord' character is what he is known for.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
King For The Day
The BBC's wildlife presenter and cameraman Simon King was in town today signing books at Waterstones. A small peaceful line of people had formed when I got there in readiness for his arrival. His most well known TV work is the Big Cat Diary. More recently he has done Autumnwatch; a daily update on the lives of woodland creatures.
I'm expecting to see a more rowdy crowd tomorrow, as the comedian Al Murray will be signing copies of his latest Pub Landlord book.
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Home To Roost
Monday, 9 November 2009
Food, Glorious Food
Phil, one of my photography and blogging pals has written about a book he's just finished reading. Phil has a great interest in cookery and all things culinary and revelled about Tom Parker Bowles' Full English. As I was in the library today, I thought I would see if I could find a copy. Alas it was on loan, but I found his "Year of Eating Dangerously". So will give that a go.
If you fancy reading Phil's very amusing foodie blog here's the link.
I hope Phil doesn't mind me saying, but he is desperately looking for work at the moment. So if there are any Nottingham based employers in the catering trade that are on the look out for some reliable and knowledgeable hands. Please drop Phil a message.
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Light And Dark
This is one of the buildings that we took lots of photos of yesterday. It is called D6, and was built in the 1930s. It is also known as the 'dry' building, where they make powders of varying descriptions. The sun was just starting to set as we were getting ready to go. It was just in the right place to see it shining through all the glass.
Saturday, 7 November 2009
These Boots Were Made For Running
This afternoon, I joined a few fellow local Flickr friends for a stroll around the Boots site in Beeston. We were quite surprised that they just let us roam around unescorted. Of course at the weekend, quite a few of the factory buildings were closed, which was good in a way, but it would have been nice to shoot some action of the workers etc.
I have put quite a few photos on my flickr page, but thought you might appreciate the photographic pun on this truck.
Friday, 6 November 2009
Ghosts Of Christmas Future
Thursday, 5 November 2009
A Roaring Success
This is one of the two lions that guard the entrance to the Council House. They have done it since the late 1920s when the building and square were built. Most first dates began with "Meet you at the lions". These days the council have stopped people from even standing on the steps inbetween them, and are often roped off. You are still fortunately allowed to take photos of them.
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Robin Him Of Colour
Artistic time again. This time an adaption of a night photo of the Robin Hood statue. I had left a message on my good friend I-mac's page, where I mentioned brass rubbing, so I've tried to assimilate one.
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Song Sung Bad
I did something rather embarrassing and quite out of character today. I sang in public! And what was worse, being filmed doing it. No, I'm not auditioning for the next X Factor, but for a chance to be part of Lily Allen's next video. A company is going around the country filming people singing along to Lily's song "The Fear". It's also been a way of X Box 360 publicising their new Karaoke machine.
My effort should be on line in a few days time, with the full video being available sometime later this month. If you have a masochistic side, you might be able to find my appalling version by opting for Nottingham & Broad Marsh. No, I'm not giving you my special code number. You'll just have to sit though several other terrible singers first.
Monday, 2 November 2009
Working With Light
The early nights reveal all the lights from the cities' surrounding office blocks. I don't know if everybody has gone home from this one, but a lot of the lights have been left on and wasting electricity. The lights in the office that I work in are motion sensitive. So if you don't move from your desk in a while, all the surrounding lights go out. Just as well we're not afraid of the dark!
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Coat Of Arms - But Where's The Sleeves?
Whilst tasting the Freetrade chocolate in the town hall, I took a photo of the coat of arms of my local council. Although I have been in the town hall many times, it has tended to be in the evening, so it was a nice change to be there in daylight. I'm curious as to what the flying bull is meant to represent. Other than the obvious!
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