What a day. So much rain, that I am thinking of building an ark! It's even still raining whilst I am writing this blog entry.
I had lunch out with some co-workers, so I didn't have the opportunity of taking any photos. Not that I would have expected to have taken any, except for loads of umbrellas perhaps.
So as there was a little break in the weather whilst I was cycling home, I stopped off in Highfields to see if I could shoot some interesting puddle photos.
Here's one that I took showing some ripples made by drips falling off the tree above. I've added a bit of blue for the sky, just to give it a bit more interest.
For those of you who are wondering, there is no Headbanger Challenge this week, as Stewart is on holiday and we are also a little short of competitors now that Dave has left. If you do fancy having a go, please get in touch. The next round is on 2nd of May.
Chris: That's a cool shot of the puddle. You bike in the rain? I hope there is no lightning.