As the battle increases in the Middle East and more lives are lost, people around the world are beginning to sit up and take notice. There was a large demonstration yesterday in a rather crampt Old Market Square. I also spotted quite a number of local photographers trying to get that good shot. Here's one of my efforts.
A photo a day from the famous East Midlands city, its surroundings, and wherever the photographic journey takes me.
Header Photo

Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Getting Angry
As the battle increases in the Middle East and more lives are lost, people around the world are beginning to sit up and take notice. There was a large demonstration yesterday in a rather crampt Old Market Square. I also spotted quite a number of local photographers trying to get that good shot. Here's one of my efforts.
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Standing Guard
I wasn't sure whether this guy was looking after the bike for someone, or waiting for the right time to make off with it.
This is my rather late Monochrome Maniacs entry. click on the name for more black and white photos from around the world.
Monday, 29 December 2008
Paws For Thought
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Sharing A Joke
Saturday, 27 December 2008
See And Been Seen
Friday, 26 December 2008
Oh No, Not More Turkey!
Boxing Day, and most people are looking in their fridges to see how much turkey they have yet to get through. They grown, and think another seven days' worth at least. So for a change they'll go out for something different. Here's somewhere they might think of going. I've not tried it myself, but I would think it's quite popular with the boating fraternity, as it's right by the canal. A fairly plain looking building, but I was taken by the illuminated sign reflected in the water.
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Christmas Skywatch Day
Christmas Day is here and so is Skywatch Friday. I've not been outside today, so here's my sky from yesterday morning, which I took at around 8am.
For more festive skies from around the world, click on this link.
Best wishes to all and enjoy the rest of your holiday.
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
It's Christmas!!

So yells Noddy Holder on an almost hourly basis at the moment, as the old Slade song is played in every shop and radio station across the land.
Anyway as it's now the start of the time of overeating, drinking, watching too much telly and generally being lazy, I'd like to wish all my fellow bloggers a good holiday. I've made a card for you all that features some important events for Gail and I over the past 12 months, such as going on our first balloon ride, the death of my brother, going to Dubai and meeting Imac in person. I've also included a few pictures that received some of the most comments. Enjoy!
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Light Night
Monday, 22 December 2008
Voice Of An Angel
Last night Gail and I went to see Yorkshire folk singer Kate Rusby. She put on a very good show at the Playhouse, as she always does. It's was an acoustic set, and this time included a small brass band, which added to the Christmas themed concert, as she sang several traditional carols in a folk style.
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Where Shall We Go?
Now that the festivities are almost upon us, thoughts move away from buying presents to planning next years summer holiday.
I caught these two looking in the window of my local Thomas Cook, seeing what was on offer and at what price. With the recession in full swing now; the cost of holidays will be up for discussion. Will they be cheaper as no one can afford to go away, or will they be more expensive as there will be less on offer and the exchange rate of Sterling is poor? At the moment the Pound is almost on par with the Euro, so those Spanish packages will be less attractive to the average Brit.
I caught these two looking in the window of my local Thomas Cook, seeing what was on offer and at what price. With the recession in full swing now; the cost of holidays will be up for discussion. Will they be cheaper as no one can afford to go away, or will they be more expensive as there will be less on offer and the exchange rate of Sterling is poor? At the moment the Pound is almost on par with the Euro, so those Spanish packages will be less attractive to the average Brit.
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
Friday, 19 December 2008
Sign of the Times
Woolworths in the UK is now officially dead. No one is prepared to take the company on and save it, and the thousands of jobs that go with it. The store has been in existence in the UK for 99 years but the lights will finally go out in early January. The store in the Victoria Centre, like some others across the country will be closing on December 27. A nice Christmas present for all the employees.
Here's one of the aisles in the store, which has been picked clean by bargain hunters.
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Going, Going, Gone
Today's Skywatch Friday picture is a bit different, it is the back of the old Odeon cinema. It's been closed now for well over 10 years. The council yesterday voted in favour for a developer to come and knock it down and replace it with yet another office block. One that will shade the light out of the library close by. Many local groups have opposed the plans as it will spoil the area, but they've been passed anyway. It's been another grey day today. The sun showed it's face, didn't like what it saw and disappeared again
For other SWF photos from around the world, sunny, snowy, or somewhere inbetween click here.
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Christmas Lights - Again
Alas my trip around town with my camera proved fruitless today, as there was nothing really worth taking. Seems to be a bit of a drought of material at the moment. So here's a good old standby; some more festive decorations and illuminations.
This area is under the council house, and has quite a few, small upmarket stores. At one time a really good quality and very well liked grocery store called Burton's stood there, but they went under in the early 1980's, much to the sadness of local shoppers.
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Questions And Answers
I wonder what this girl was asking questions about, when I took this the other day? I don't think she was one of the regular clipboard ladies you see around town, that ask your opinion about soap powders, yogurts, or get you to try various brands of crisps (chips), as she's too young.
She's probably a student doing some research for her thesis, like I did many moons ago. The title of mine was "Pedestrianisation and it's effect on the retail trade".
Monday, 15 December 2008
How To Ruin A Photograph
When you've found a good spot to take a photograph. Got the light right, your model to stand in a good position and smiling nicely. What happens? An ugly great roadsweeper pushing his cart comes along and spoils your shot. Thanks heavens for digital, as it can be deleted, otherwise you've just gone and wasted some of your film.
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Red Hair Day
It's good to see that the spirit of punk is still alive in these homogeneous and conventional times; even if all the original rebels are now in their late forties and have wives, children and mortgages.
This guy is sporting the all too familiar spiky cockscomb hair and studded black leather jacket of the genre. Although I was in my teens when punk was around, for some reason it completely passed me by, preferring more mainstream pop; although I did (and still do) like the Stranglers and more tuneful songs of the time.
Saturday, 13 December 2008
It's been that dark today, you would think it was still nighttime! And so much rain. It's not stopped. This means no new shots, so I'm having to pull one out of the archives. Not that old. It's from the funfair that accompanied the switching on of the Christmas lights a few weeks ago. As you may know, I'm not a fan of funfairs. I see them as a waste of money, but they are a good subject for photographing.
Friday, 12 December 2008
Communication Breakdown
Mobile phones; everybody seems to have them these days, not matter how young or old they are. I have one, but rarely switch it on. I don't see the need as Gail is about the only person who calls me. She's always moaning to me about it. I say there's not much point having it on at work, as she can ring me on my office number.
I wonder if the man in this photo, gets the same ear bashing from his wife?
Thursday, 11 December 2008
A Suffolk Sunset
Yesterday I went to Stowmarket in deepest Suffolk. A long journey, and all I got was this photo!
But hopefully you all think it's worthy of looking at.
For more Skywatching Friday photographs from around the world, click on this link
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Grey Remembered Hills
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Ice, Ice Baby
As the old song goes, Baby, It's Cold Outside. Well it certainly was last night. I couldn't believe Gail's car this morning. It looked like it was made of glass. I just had to take some photos of the rear window. The design is incredible. The rear window just looked like etched lead crystal. A unique pattern.
Monday, 8 December 2008
Feeling Flat
Cycling is something I enjoy doing, which is just as well, as I cycle to work most days. It's also good for taking photos, because you can stop almost immediately, and can get to places that are unreachable by car. The only drawback is the dreaded puncture. I've had loads down the years, caused by thorns, stones, nails and bits of broken glass. This guy has one too, and seems to be taking up almost all of the pavement to fix it.
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Keeping Guard
Saturday, 6 December 2008
One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
Friday, 5 December 2008
Skating In The Light
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Gok And Roll
For my visitors that don't know, this is Gok Wan, TV presenter and fashion expert. He was in Nottingham yesterday to do a book signing of his latest volume about how women should dress, so they look their best. Hundreds of people had been queuing up for several hours to buy his book and get it signed by the man himself. All the ladies were fawning over him and kissing him. As it was so busy, I found it quite difficult to get a good photo, but I managed to grab this pose.
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Snow Joke!
Monday, 1 December 2008
Sunday, 30 November 2008
We Will Rock You

Here is a photomontage of the band I saw yesterday at the Christmas lights switch on. They go under the name of The Great Pretender and do a very good imitation of the legendary Queen. No one can replace dear old Freddie, but Steve Littlewood is the next best thing. He did a fair imitation of Freddie's stage strutting and posing, which was quite difficult, as they were performing on the back of an arctic trailer!
The band naturally have a website, and so if you want to learn more about them, or indeed hire them for your wedding or birthday party, click here.
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Night Light

Tonight our local council switched on their Christmas lights on in the town. They are the same as last November. I think most towns trot out the same decorations, year after year. Still it was nice to be amongst the large crowd. A Queen tribute band entertained us for about an hour. I might show them in action tomorrow.
Friday, 28 November 2008
Walking Tall
Some stilt walkers were in town the other day handing out leaflets about some special offers and events that are going to take place next Wednesday evening in the city centre. It's called 'The Big Night Out' and the idea is to try and get more people to visit the city centre during the evening and to convince them that they won't be a victim of crime whilst they are there.
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Christmas Is A Comin
It's that time of the week again when all us sky watchers show each other our skies. Nothing really exciting happened this week, other than the attractions in the market square are now in full flow. So here's another night sky picture showing what the square looks like when the sun goes down.
For further pictures from across the globe, click here.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Long Way From Home
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Bluesday Tuesday

A couple of days ago Eric over at Paris DP showed a picture of his local IKEA. We have one here, but is several miles away. So for today's blue themed photo I'm showing; you've guessed it, Dubai's version, complete with Arabic script.
Monday, 24 November 2008
Black And White And Wet All Over

Another pigeon picture today. Some trying to shelter from the rain, but not doing a very good job, as they look soaked.
For more Monday Monochrome Madness from around the world click here.
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Funny Hunny

It seemed like Christmas officially started yesterday, as there were a few collectors out, rattling tins for various charities. I also went to a Christmas fair at a local church. So to continue the festive season theme, here's Winnie the Pooh as a blow up doll. It's advertising a shop that's suddenly sprung out from nowhere, on a short lease, that's flogging the usual cheap tat that seems to appear at this time of year.
I must be getting old and cynical, as I'm not really a fan of Christmas these days. Are you?
Saturday, 22 November 2008
The Pigeon Detective
Friday, 21 November 2008
Thursday, 20 November 2008
The Sky's Gone To Sleep

I haven't got any new Nottingham pictures that feature the sky, so you'll just have to make do with another Dubain photo. A night time one for a change. The sky's still there, it's just hiding until tomorrow.
To see evidence of this, click on this spot to take you on a tour of the world's skies.
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Talking In The Rain

Well it was back to work yesterday & of course it rained. Practically all day. Oh to be back in Dubai!
The bad weather didn't seem to bother these two women, who were quite happy to stand gassing for ages. At least one has an umbrella. The bloke in the background seems to have the best idea of sheltering in a doorway.
I am off to deepest Lincolnshire for the next couple of days, so I might not be able to do any posting.
Monday, 17 November 2008
It's All In The Angles
Sunday, 16 November 2008
If Only Another Week

Gail and I are trying not to be too down about being back in the UK, and as I predicted, it began to rain almost as soon as we left Birmingham Airport. Also to make matters worse, Emirates have lost our luggage.
If only we could have had a few more days, we both said to each other. But for slightly different reasons. Gail would like to stay so she could have done some more sunbathing, while I wanted to stay, so I could see Kylie in concert next Friday.
Dubai seems to be attracting quite a few top acts there now. Just this week the singer Fergie was doing a concert, and the re-formed Queen were playing. We thought about seeing Queen, but they wouldn't be the same without dear old Freddie, and Fergie doesn't sing the sort of songs I like.
This is the last Dubai photo on NDP, although I will be posting plenty more on my Dubai page; just click the link on the left.
Saturday, 15 November 2008
One Land - Many People

You may know that Dubai is a very multi-cultural emirate. Only about 25% of the whole population are Arabic. A large proportion are from the Indian sub-continent, with the rest being made up of Europeans; from both west and east.
Here's a shot of an Arab couple in the typical garb of their religion, that separates their culture from the everyone else. But what they have in common is owning a mobile phone. You can see that both of them are 'wired for sound'.
Friday, 14 November 2008
Last Day In Heaven

Today marks our final day in Dubai. It's been fun as usual. Gail and I never seem to get tired of coming here, and we still haven't done it all. But like everything, our holiday has to come to an end. And so we have an early flight tomorrow with Emirates, landing in probably a cold and wet Birmingham. Then an hour or so drive back to Nottingham; stopping off for some milk and bread etc, before psyching ourselves up for our return to work on Monday.
So for one of my final Dubai photos on this page, I thought another sunset was in order. This one is taken at Festival City, which contains a marina, a concert hall and the obligatory shopping. In the background you can see the dominating Burj Dubai, which is destined to become the tallest building in the world. You might think it looks high now, but it isn't even finished yet!
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Under One Sky

For the first time I'm Skywatching from Dubai. As it's constantly sunny, albeit a bit hazey in the morning, I wondered what photo I could put on, as I've taken so many these past 8 days. Going against the idea of a day picture, I've decided to show a sunset one instead, as I don't get to see that many where I live.
For further skies, blue, grey, black or orange just follow this link
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
The Man From Atlantis

Here's an outside shot of the new Atlantis hotel. As the name suggests, it has an watery theme and comes complete with a massive aquarium. While we were there, 3 divers were swimming around feeding the thousands of fish that reside there. The bottom of the "tank" had loads of props in it. Imagined artifacts from the lost city. Nearly everything was decorated with a sea motif. I especially liked the seahorse lamps in the Gents. Gail and I have put this on our list of hotels to stay at should we every be fortunate to do so.
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Ship Ahoy!

Today we went to the Marina, Palm Island and the new Atlantis hotel. There is still so much building work going on around the marina, that we didn't stay very long. So many apartment blocks. It makes you wonder who is going to live there & more to the point, who can afford it these days with most people being strapped for cash. Anyway those that still have pockets filled with dosh, the marina was full of boats of all shapes and sizes. I particularly like the look of this one. Especially the happy blue colour of the hull.
It's most unlikely that Gail and I would be fortunate enough to have a ride on one, let alone own one. So for now we'll just have to dream and windowshop.
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