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Monday 12 October 2009

Spider Man

Unlocking the front gate a couple of mornings ago, I noticed this large web spun between some plants in the front garden. Had to take a snap or two, as I know they tend to get broken quite easily. Webs that is, and not my plants.
Looks like the spider had to do a quick patch job, by the odd weaving its done. Either that, or it knocked off early.


  1. For some reason, the idea of the spider knocking off early tickled my funny bone. LOL Cute thought. :oD

  2. No wonder my spidey sense were tingling. What a catch. Our manx spiders are far too lazy to do anything as beautiful.

  3. There are loads of spiders around at the moment. Planning to take over the world!

    Great photo.

  4. Great web weaver GM.

  5. This is so beautiful. Great capture, Gail's Man.


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