There was a bit of a reunion tonight at the Playhouse, as some of the cast of The Cries of Silent Men got together for a bit of a party. It was good fun and Gail enjoyed it too. Towards the end of the evening I saw Gail talking to a woman who was sitting in the bar having a drink. I went to say hello, as I thought it was someone that she worked with. But it wasn't a fellow co-worker, it was in fact Jenny Eclair the comedian who had just done a performance there and was enjoying an after show white wine.
I said hello and asked her if I could take a couple of photos for my blog. She was very nice and said yes. Word then got back to the gang that Jenny was around, and a steady stream of starstruck came asking for photos and autographs.
Hello, we love your blog and we'll be linking up to you on nottinghamconfidential.blogspot.com x