"What's Buggin You" is this week's header challenge courtesy of Lanny. It's certainly a wide theme, and can be taken in all sorts of directions. Obviously creepy-crawlies spring to mind. But for me, it means turning into a grumpy old man. A bit like Rick Wakeman from last week, but without the money and musical ability. Because what's buggin me at the moment is the lack of inspiration for finding worthwhile scenes that are worth photographing. I just can't seem to find very much to get me shooting. I don't know what it is. I walk around every day with my camera, but very rarely do I find something of interest. Maybe I've seen everything in Nottingham now, and that there's nothing new to see. Or maybe the photographic muse of mine has gone on holiday for a while. Hopefully I will get it back soon, otherwise I'll have nothing to put on my blog!
So this week's picture is of a frustrated Gailsman and a blank Polaroid.
Today's blog photo is a bit of a cheat, because while I was sorting out the header photo in Picnik, I tweaked it a bit and ended up with this abstract work of art. It's amazing what you can do to digital images these days, even with free software.
Don't forget to see what my fellow gang members have come up with in this weeks challenge and enjoy this slideshow of street photographs from a Flickr friend of mine called Stephen Wright, who has an amazing ability of being in just the right place at the right time.
We all have our moments when we take our camera out and bring it back again without taking any photos and say but I just didn't see anything worth photographing. Try setting yourself a new technique to try, buy a couple of photo mags for inspiration you'll be taking lots of great photo's again in no time.