I won some theatre tickets the other day on Facebook to see the musical version of David Walliams' latest book Mr Stink. It's been on for the last couple of weeks at the Playhouse. Gail and I both enjoyed it, although it is squarely aimed at children. But we are both really only about 8 anyway!
The story revolves around this slightly lonely girl called Chloe who befriends a tramp and they get into adventures together including meeting the prime minister. The back story of how Mr Stink became a tramp is quite sad, but I won't divulge it here.
A couple of the cast members doubled up as different characters, notably Irvine Iqbal, who played at least four characters including Raj the newsagent. The songs were quite simple but catchy. Nothing too technical like Andrew Lloyd Webber's. But what made the show slightly unusual is that you are given a 'scratch n sniff' booklet, which reveal different odours at various times during the show.
It is on a big national tour, so it should be coming to a theatre somewhere in England very soon. It is worth seeing, but if you are a bit shy about going on your own, you may have to borrow a child from someone as cover.
Glad you had a good time and enjoyed this play, which sounds most interesting.