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Sunday 16 September 2012

Lark In The Park

Today, Gail and I went on a planned photoshoot to Elvaston Castle & Country Park near Derby with some other 'togs' and models that we know through Facebook. Unfortunately we didn't get that far, as one of the rangers decided that he didn't want us in "his" park, and so we left and headed for Wollaton Park instead. We hoped their staff would be more accommodating.

We had about six models to play with and many of them decided to wear wedding dresses. Although it was a little breezy, it was fairly warm and sunny. Almost ideal shooting conditions, except for the constantly changing light. So I had to keep altering the dials on my camera, to stop the pictures being under or over exposed. All part of the fun that is photography.

Here's one of the models; Gemma, posing by the hall itself. Maybe in the same spot that Batman stood last year whilst they were filming the latest instalment of the movie franchise.


  1. Excellent picture! And good to hear that you're shooting in manual mode too. Great stuff.

  2. She is adorable and you have captured all gorgeous lights from her face!


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Best wishes from Gailsman and Nottingham Daily Photo.