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Tuesday 18 September 2012

Wedded Bliss

It was an early start for Gail and I this morning, as we were off to shoot a wedding. Not just any old wedding, but one where there would be another eight photographers doing the same thing.

But it wasn't a society or show business wedding. No it was actually a day's tutorial with practical experience on how to shoot weddings. As although we have shot two weddings so far, we don't feel that we have got the hang of doing them yet.

It was a good day on the whole, and the two models that were hired to be the 'bride and groom' worked tirelessly through the day and kept their smiles going, when even real newly weds may want to stop and go for a beer instead. Michael Lau the tutor was very good. We have been to a few of his studio based classes and always found them useful and interesting.

Here's one of the many shots of Hannah and Neil that I took through the day. The weather was kind to us too. Although the constant changing light played havoc with our settings.

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour dear friends,
    What a nice moment in your morning, a great experience moment shooting a wedding, even if it's only a class, but a very nice way to learn!
    By the way, the two models match each other so nice! :) Absolutely! You did a fabulous job with your camera, congratulations!
    I'm here having my breakfast and enjoying this post and I'm going to read the previous posts in your wonderful blog!
    Thanks for sharing your ideas and pictures!


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Best wishes from Gailsman and Nottingham Daily Photo.