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Thursday 1 October 2009

Night Riders

I attended my second evening photography class earlier this week. Tuesday's topic was slow and fast shutter speeds. Although I already knew about these techniques, I haven't used them in years. In fact I don't think I've ever taken a blogging picture using either of them. So here's a example of what a slow shutter speed can do. Car headlights. Not very original I know. The other cliched shot is one of a steam, with the water bubbling over the rocks. Making it look all dreamy and mystic.


  1. Not a bad shot but it looks as if the shutter wasn't open for long enough on that shot to give you well defined light trails (the EXIF says 1s @f/4.3).Fairly good perspective on the shot though.

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/francois07/3971147763/ - I shot this with a 15s second exposure using f/22 for example.

  2. Who is the lecturer on your photography class?


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Best wishes from Gailsman and Nottingham Daily Photo.