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Sunday 3 April 2011

Horace Was Here

For a bit of fun, Gail suggested that I take a shot or two of Horace; Gail's travelling companion and mascot who was enjoying the atmosphere of the Cafe de Paris. I bought Horace as a present for her some time ago, and to add to the collection of the cuddly bear that my wife has built up (with a little help from me). Gail likes to clip him to her handbag or knapsack when we are out on our travels, and takes photos of him in the different places that we visit.


  1. Love this. Rather like Olivier and Amedee on Evry Daily Photo.

  2. I sometimes take Mister Monka on holiday and being 'alone' I enjoy having 'someone' else around. We have a laugh and he enjoys being photographed in silly positions.


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Best wishes from Gailsman and Nottingham Daily Photo.