The Queen visiting anywhere is of course big news, and to be accompanied by William and Kate just puts the icing on the cake. She of course is followed by journalists, photographers and other members of the media circus, to report back to an avid public.
Here's some members of the press pack training their Nikons and Canons at Her Majesty. I would love one of those lenses. Who wouldn't? But at around £6000, it's something that not everyone can afford. And that guy with three Nikon D4s. How greedy is that!
Can you spot the lone spectator getting an aerial view of the action?
Phew...envious about all those "wonderful"cameras!
Some very expensive gear, way beyond my meagre budget. My mate does this kind of thing occasionally, he is picture agency chief photographer, but his budget does not allow him more than one new body and a couple of older ones.