Well I just had to do it. Last night a pal of mine called Lewis and I went to investigate the exciting events currently taking place at Wollaton Park. As many of you know, they are shooting scenes for the new Batman movie at the hall, or now known as Bruce Wayne's gaff. There wasn't a great deal happening that we could see, but everywhere is sealed off, so we couldn't get any closer than the main entrance that was being used by everyone. Various passers by stopped for a while and then walked away. Cars slowed down as they got closer. The people inside then realised that they couldn't see anything and so drove off. It was amusing that a security guard put up an umbrella to try and stop me taking any photos. He just reminded me of the Penguin. Alas we didn't see any of the stars like Christian Bale, Morgan Freeman or Michael Caine, even though we hung around until gone 10:30. But I did take a couple of snaps; one of the vehicles they were using, and a speeding van belonging to Gotham City Movers.
Tomorrow is the last day of filming, then the park is reopened once again to the public. Apparently the city council has received close on a million pounds for the exclusive use of the park. Hopefully it will be used wisely to improve things in the grounds, the reopening of the industrial museum would be good and more facilities or exhibits in the hall itself.
Ever hopeful eh, thats the way to win in the end my friend.