I spotted this poster in my local library the other day for a new play that someone who I used to work has recently written. I knew that Simon had written it because I presently work with his wife, and she had told me about it. I was actually thinking about auditioning for one of the parts a couple of months ago; but I don't consider myself a good enough actor to be worthy of a part.
Blink is set in a hospital and concerns a patient who has had a accident of some kind and his only form of communication is blinking. It's on for this week only, but I don't think I'm going to be able to get to see it (pun not intended) as I am, ironically enough in rehearsals for a community play in Bramcote that is based on the Christmas Story. It goes on in early December. I am playing the innkeeper who didn't have a spare room for Mary and Joseph, but just happened to have a stable that was empty. Several locations across Bramcote are being used, including a Medieval church tower.
How many blinks for a pint?