Another busy day today. For most of the day I was up at Bramcote rehearsing in the morning and then we had our first performance in the afternoon. It was grandly titled a preview, and quite a few people attended. The proper shows are next Saturday and Sunday. I've wisely booked off the following Monday, as I know that I will be worn out. I am now also suffering with flulike symptoms. Which is a bit concerning. After we had all helped to pack away the props and stages. I raced off to Beeston to do a bit of shopping and to watch the switching on of the town's Christmas lights. I bumped into some friends I know, including Kevin 'the hat' seen here with his latest creation. He attracts so much attention wherever he goes now that he has become something of a cult hero. Here he is posing with some of the security guys, including one who was rather camera shy and had to be made to show her face.
great shot - lovely smiles there - hope you shake the flu off