While I was walking through the Old Market Square at lunchtime, I noticed a photographer taking lots of shots of this man with the black sunglasses. He had a Canon, with a very expensive looking zoom lens attached, so I knew he was a proper photographer and not just a happy snapper like me. So I asked him who the guy was. He said that he was a famous rock musician who used to be in Iron Maiden called Brian Cox. I'm not really an Iron Maiden fan, so didn't really know who he was. The photographer told me that a lot of people had stopped for autographs. I should have been brave and asked him for a proper posed photo. But didn't like to disturb him while he was chatting to the other guy. So took this snapshot instead. If you are interested, the scaffolding behind is for the Christmas tree that has just arrived and is presently being decorated.
Well - you just never know who you are going to meet.