Well I can honestly say that 2011 has been quite eventful year in one way or another. There have been a number of demonstrations in the city centre over the course of the year. None of them violent, but they have been quite large and vocal. Gail and I have done many things together, visited different places and took lots of photos. Monaco was wonderful and it was a pleasure to meet Jilly, who produces the Monte Carlo daily blog. It would be nice to go again and see some other places in the region. I bought myself a new camera. A Nikon D90, which I use a lot as well as my Panasonic GF1. I like to have a swap sometimes, as my GF1 is only fitted with a 20mm lens.
One of the many disappointments that I have had this year is that due to the shortsightedness of a young newspaper reporter, I failed to get this photo into our local evening paper. I offered it to them on a memory card at lunchtime, but for some reason he decided not to take me up on the offer. They had sent one of their own photographers down to see the action, but all they came back with was a rather boring shot of a blackened boat hull and no flames. At least mine is of the action as it is taking place. Maybe I will have more luck in 2012.
That is an excellent shot. Local presses are notorious for missing the best shots.